WP Plugin Repo Stats

By : jp2112

Are you a WordPress plugin developer who wants to show off how many plugins you have in the repo and how many times they've been downloaded? Then look no further.

This plugin lists all of the plugins you have made available on wordpress.org. Using a shortcode on posts or pages, it creates a table listing each plugin and how many downloads it has, as well as the plugin rating.

Disclaimer: This plugin is not affiliated with or endorsed by WordPress.

WordPress Developer Toolkit

WordPress Developer Toolkit is a handy tool for WordPress Developers. This plugin gives you 6 new shortcodes for displaying your WordPress plugins that are stored in the repository. Once you add your plugins, you will have 6 shortcodes: Display Plugin Description Display Plugin Download Count Disp.........

Similar: 67%

Plugin Stats

Plugin Stats provides a shortcode, template function, and dashboard widget which display graphs of the number of downloads completed for plugins hosted at WordPress.org. The green bar on the graph shows the standard deviation of the downloads. Also, today's downloads are shown using a red link cro.........

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Easy Plugin Stats

Disclaimer: This plugin is geared towards developers with plugins in the WordPress.org repository and anyone else that wants to easily display information about a plugin that is in the repository. Don't fit this criteria? Then this plugin will probably not be of much use to you. This plugin was des.........

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OCD Plugin Stats

OCD Plugin Stats is a simple plugin that creates a little dashboard widget that displays the WordPress.org plugin download statistics for plugins of your choice. If you like this plugin, please give it a 5-star rating over here --> This short and simple plugin won't leave any trace in your data.........

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BNS Theme Details

This plugin can be used to display the recent download count of a theme, as well as various other details such as the author and when it was last updated. It also includes a link to the WordPress Theme repository if it exists....

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TR Easy Google Analytics

TR Easy Google Analytics by http://themeroad.net Easy Google analytics is one of the best simple plugin to add or connect your websites with Google analytics.Its really easy for use everyone.Just install the plugin as like other wordpress plugin.And then you will see the analytics options in your d.........

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Sexy Polling

Sexy Polling - Find out what your audience thinks! You will be surprised by count of all the possible features!...

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GSpeech is a text to speech solution for WordPress. It uses Google power to provide you the best quality of automatic text to speech service. Enjoy!...

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Import CSV with Ultimate CSV Importer

Import CSV data to WordPress is made very easy even for novice users as in few clicks and 3 simple steps with CSV Importer plugin. Now csv importer supports multi language and almost every WordPress modules and plugin fields as follows. Import data feed periodically from csv file as...

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Thumbar Rating Plugin

Full Statistics In Real Time Each Thumbar shows up counts, down counts, total count, and percent voted up Auto-sized two-tone bars provide an instant visual summary of up and down votes Customizable bar colors to fit perfectly into your theme Ultra slim plugin profile integrates easily into your p.........

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