WP PT-Viewer

This plugin will allow you to easily insert panoramic pictures inside your posts using one of the best free java viewers available: PTViewer. Just insert a quicktag specifying the image and information about the panorama (field of view, image size, horizon position) and the plugin will compute the corresponding obscure applet parameters (in particular for partial panoramas covering less than 360 degrees of field of view).

All the instructions for installation, the support forums, a FAQ, etc. can be found on the plugin home page.

This plugin is available under the GPL license, which means that it's free. If you use it for a commercial web site, if you appreciate my efforts or if you want to encourage me to develop and maintain it, please consider making a donation using Paypal, a secured payment solution. You just need to click the button on the plugin home page and follow the instructions.


DOM SEO Image is a WordPress SEO plugin which automatically updates all images with proper ALT and TITLE attributes for SEO purposes. If your images do not have ALT and TITLE already set, DOM SEO Image will add them according the options you set. Additionally this makes the post W3C/xHTML valid as w.........

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NextGEN-Galleryview (originally created by Alex Rabe) is a WordPress plugin providing NextGen-Gallery plugin users a new template based on the Galleryview jQuery Plugin created by Jack Wanders (@jackwanders). The plugin has been updated by Brandon Hubbard (@bhubbard). NOTICE REGARDING SUPPORT Two.........

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Bulk Watermark

This plugin allows you to watermark your previously uploaded images using a PNG image file with transparency as well as text signature. The user friendly settings page allows for control over the appearance of your watermark. You can set your watermarks to always be a specific percentage of the targ.........

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Photo Box

The plugin allows displaying galleries within the following views: Gallery Popup Slideshow Popup View manual...

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NextGEN Scroll Gallery

Nextgen Scroll Gallery: A WordPress Plugin that allows you to use the awesome Mootools ScrollGallery from BMo-design on your NextGen-Gallery galleries. If you want to to use this Plugin on your blog, you need to use the very cool WordPress gallery manager: NextGen Gallery. So install the NextGENera.........

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Featplug is a standalone script / wordpress plugin that can mine your WordPress posts or any other data and look for images suiting a given dimension and generates 'featured' section for your site using the found items. The featured section, includes a resized image (banner) with the label, descrip.........

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///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WP-POST-BANNERS HAS BEEN RENAMED TO FEATPLUG !! http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/featplug ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Please update your bookmarks; new plugin reposi.........

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wizScriber™ Whiteboard Animation Software - Create Doodle Ads In Few Clicks

wizScriber is a unique plugin to create engaging whiteboard animated video messages quickly and easily without technical or design skills. It...

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Zedity Editor: The Best Way to Create Your Posts and Pages!

Would you like to make your WordPress experience much easier? Zedity enables you to create posts and pages as naturally as writing on paper! With absolutely no coding skills required, creating catchy and professional content becomes incredibly easy and quick for anyone! Zedity is available in .........

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Sirv CDN & Image Manager

Sirv hosts your images and serves them to your WordPress site at any size you require. It optimizes images and rapidly serves them from its CDN. Major features of Sirv image management: Resize your images to any size you require. Responsive resize to dynamically fit the screen. Serve your images .........

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