WP Quicktags

This simply plugin adds usefull buttons to native WordPress HTML editor.

Currently adds: h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,hr,nbsp

Quicktag Extender

This plugin adds more buttons to the non-visual editor view for creating/editing posts/pages Currently adds: * h1 * h2 * h3 * h4 * h5 * q * cite * sub * sup * dl * dt * dd...

Similar: 50%

Twitter Link Shortcut

This plugin hopes to make linking to Twitter profiles easier in WordPress posts and pages. It's the result of typing Twitter usernames far too often in my blog posts and having to go back and link to them later, typing out http://www.twitter.com/username. The plugin uses a basic shortcode: [twitt.........

Similar: 20%


TRUEedit is designed specifically for people who understand HTML and want to format their HTML code for readability. By default WordPress modifies your post content with two filter, this plugin lets you disable those filters along with any other content filters. TRUEedit also enables the inserting o.........

Similar: 19%

Simply Symphony

Demo editor | Example Page Video Background | Full Version | Watch Video ...

Similar: 7%

Advanced Custom Fields Limiter

Insert JavaScript character limiters in Advanced Custom Fields. You set a limit for each field, and a character counter will appear next to them in the admin interface. Links Plugin Page GitHub Repository ...

Similar: 6%

Hab.la for WordPress

Now Olark for WordPress!...

Similar: 6%

User Meta Display

Ajax powered admin page to show, edit, add, and remove user meta. Choose dropdown list by User Login, ID, or Display Name. You can select how the display list will show the users, by Display Name, User Login, or ID. Default is Display Name. Refresh the current users meta being shown, or dropdown l.........

Similar: 6%

Magic Fields 2

Magic Fields 2 is a WordPress CMS plugin who is focused in improved the way how are created the custom fields, post types and custom taxonomies in wordpress. In Magic Fields existed 15 pre-build types of custom fields **NOTE: Magic Fields 2 IS NOT backward compatible with MF1 ** Old contributor:.........

Similar: 6%

Wp-Syntax Hacktify

A plugin allowing you to change the WP-Syntax code highlighting color scheme elegantly. WP-Syntax rawks for writing about geeky stuff, but I want it more blacker. And I want a CSS file to hack instead of those icky and inefficient inline styles. I got the basic idea from WP-Syntax-Colorizer but w.........

Similar: 5%

Plug-N-Edit Full Drag & Drop HTML Visual Editor with Web Page Builder WYSIWYG

New Users - Full Drag And Drop! PlugNedit has a more powerfull free version just released in BETA please take a look if you would prefer the newer editor. In Theme Live Editing. Mobile and Full size views with preview. Video Backgrounds. More Stable. Greater Options. Use theme CSS. Adaptive Resp.........

Similar: 3%