WP Reading List

WP Reading List (or, WPRL) is a plugin designed to help organize and display books, magazines, articles, and anything else that you have read lately. This plugin allows users to display what they have read, attach text like a review or notes to it, and provide a link to where visitors can find the piece. The plugin comes bundled with two archive templates (as well as templates for single items and "author" & "type" archives) and is easily customizable with CSS. View a working example at http://www.mikestumpf.com/reading-list


Insights brings a powerful new way to write your blog posts. It increases productivity and at the same time quality of your posts. Insights performs following functions in real-time: Interlink your posts Insert Flickr images Insert Youtube videos Search Wikipedia Search Google Search Google News .........

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Really Static

Really-static generates static html-files out of your blog. Every time a Post is published/edited/delted or a comment is posted, changes will be automaticly written to the static blog. If you have problems, informations about bugs or ideas report them to us(no registration needed, also guests can w.........

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Google Translate

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WOW Slider

WOW Slider is a WordPress slider with stunning visual effects and tons of professionally made templates. WOW Slider is packed with a point-and-click wizard to create fantastic image sliders in a matter of seconds without coding and image editing. Responsive, fully accessible as a pure CSS slider .........

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ZooEffect Plugin for Video player, Photo Gallery Slideshow jQuery and audio / music / podcast - HTML

Are you looking for a professional plugin to manage and display photos, videos and audio in your site ? Try ZooEffect - Free Visit our showcase page >> :...

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Ultimate TinyMCE

Note: The end of Ultimate TinymceThis plugin will not work properly on WordPress versions 3.9 and above...

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NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster

This plugin automatically publishes posts from your blog to your Social Network accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+(Google Plus), Blogger, Tumblr, Flickr, LiveJournal, Flipboard, DreamWidth, Delicious, Diigo, Instapaper, Stumbleupon, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Plurk, VKontakte(VK.com), YouTube, Ap.........

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pixoona Plugin

Conquer the world of PIXSETTING with this plugin. Install the pixoona plugin and any picture on your blog becomes the platform to share your thoughts, ideas and favorite products with your friends, customers or the PIXSETTER community. http://youtu.be/O7TcWYjyudU Test PIXSETTING Want to give it a.........

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iShare - Share Social Buttons

iShare Social Share Buttons - бесплатный русскоязычный плагин кнопок "поделиться" в соцсетях...

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Import CSV with Ultimate CSV Importer

Import CSV data to WordPress is made very easy even for novice users as in few clicks and 3 simple steps with CSV Importer plugin. Now csv importer supports multi language and almost every WordPress modules and plugin fields as follows. Import data feed periodically from csv file as...

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