WP Referrer Spam Blocker

By : Botcrawl

WP Referrer Spam Blocker is the most innovative referrer spam and referral traffic blocker WordPress plugin ever created. What sets the Referrer Spam Blocker plugin (also known as WP Referrer Spam Blocker) apart from the rest is that it allows you to blacklist and block any URL you want. and it is backed-up by us! We track and analyze more referrer spam URLs and traffic bots than anywhere else on the internet. This means that the Referrer Spam Blocker plugin for WordPress will contain the latest updates to keep your WordPress website protected against new referrer spam URLs and unwanted referral traffic that might show up in Google Analytics faster than anyone else!

This plugin does not block certain types of ghost traffic (no plugin does because no plugin can obtain access to your Google Analytics account and create an exclude filter for you). You may still experience unwanted referrals from spammy URLs such as traffic2money.com. However, you can learn how to easily block this type of traffic by using the guides on our website.

Please use this guide to block ghost traffic that no WordPress plugin will be able to block: http://botcrawl.com/block-referrer-spam/

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