WP Remove Category prefix

By : Axelnsk

This is actually the deprecated code from WordPress SEO, with some small improvements added to it.

WP Remove Category Base

This is actually the deprecated code from WordPress SEO, with some small improvements added to it....

Similar: 75%

Remove Category Base

这个插件将会移除分类链接中的分类前缀。比如我的博客某分类地址是http://donkey.name/category/wordpress-plugins/, 启用本插件后将会变成http://donkey.name/wordpress-plugins/。 主要针对一些对URL有“洁癖”的同学。 此插件还会将您的原分类URL重定向到新的分类URL,不用担心死链。.........

Similar: 17%

Pathless Category Links

This plugin will remove the /category/ base directory that WordPress adds to category links. It’ll also go beyond that and automatically 301 redirect the old /category/ links to the new, pathless category link. Once installed, the plugin will automatically change all your category links on the webs.........

Similar: 12%

WP No Category Base

As the name suggests this plugin will completely remove the mandatory 'Category Base' from your category permalinks ( e.g. myblog.com/category/my-category/ to myblog.com/my-category/ ). The plugin requires no setup or modifying core wordpress files and will not break any links. It will also take ca.........

Similar: 12%

No category parents

This plugin will completely remove the mandatory 'Category Base' and all the parents from your category permalinks (e.g. /category/parent-category/my-category/ to /my-category/)....

Similar: 10%

WP No Category Base - WPML compatible

As the name suggests this plugin will completely remove the mandatory 'Category Base' from your category permalinks ( e.g. myblog.com/category/my-category/ to myblog.com/my-category/ ). The plugin requires no setup or modifying core wordpress files and will not break any links. It will also take ca.........

Similar: 10%

Category Extra

Plugin extends capabilities of the categories, taxonomies and tags. Add image on the category/taxonomy/tag page Set color for the category/taxonomy/tag Set the password to access to category/taxonomy/tag Hide category/taxonomy/tag from group of users Add sorting to category/taxonomy/tag in list A.........

Similar: 8%

WP htaccess Control

WP htaccess Control should now really be called WP htaccess and Rewrite Control. It provides an interface to customize the htaccess file generated by WordPress but also its permalinks (author, category, archives, pagination and custom taxonomies). Have a look at the screenshot for a clearer idea of .........

Similar: 8%


THIS PLUGIN IS NOW OBSOLETE,PLEASE SWITCH TO 'WP NO CATEGORY BASE' PLUGIN Go to http://skyphe.org/code/wordpress/decategorizer/ for the explanation, thanks! "Decategorizer" will remove the category base from your category links, and turn your category URLs from something like "http://yourdoma.........

Similar: 6%

Postname Permalink Auto Redirect

Changed the permalink structure and don't want to lose your SEO? You're in the right place! This plugin will automatically redirect the old '%postname%' permalink structure to the new one as long you keep the same slug in the posts. It works by searching posts by the slug name that comes in the req.........

Similar: 4%