WP REST API Custom Fields

This plugin combines the two of the best WordPress plugins: Advanced Custom Fields and WP REST API.

This plugin is based on the work fromPanman on Github. He was right when he said it would be better as plugin, but it would be even better if it would be available through the WordPress Plugin Repository.

An addition made to this plugin is that each ACF Field van be filtered throug the hook: JSON_META_ACFFIELDNAME (where ACFFIELDNAME depends on the fieldname you've added in the Advanced Custom Fields backend.)

REST API - Filter Fields

The wp-rest-api-v2 returns a lot of properties. It could be very useful (or mobile-data-friendly) to only return the properties needed by the application. If you only want titles and links of some articles it doesn't make sense to return the content or the excerpt. This isn't limited to posts, it .........

Similar: 80%

WP REST API Filter Fields

Extends the functionality of WP REST API. Allows you to request only certain fields. Use &fields=ID,title to fetch only the ID and title. Works with posts, comments, taxonomy, media....

Similar: 80%


Puts in answers all fields of ACF. Fork me on GitHub https://github.com/airesvsg/acf-to-wp-rest-api Get ACF data by ID /wp-json/acf/post/ID /wp-json/acf/user/ID /wp-json/acf/term/ID/TAXONOMY /wp-json/acf/comment/ID /wp-json/acf/attachment/ID Get Options /wp-json/acf/options Get Option by .........

Similar: 58%

REST API Link Manager

Allow Links from the Link Manager to be manipulated and retrieved using the REST API. This plugin makes the following endpoints available: /wp-json/wp/v2/links - List details for all links, or create a new link. /wp-json/wp/v2/links/<id> - List details for a particular link ID, update a lin.........

Similar: 58%

Disable JSON API

** Now supporting the 2.0 beta API ** The JSON REST API is currently in development via the JSON REST API plugin by Ryan McCue. Soon, this functionality will become a part of WordPress Core. While this is very exciting news for many reasons, it is also not functionality that every site admin is goi.........

Similar: 58%


Edit, Get and Puts ACF data into the WordPress REST API ( WP-API | WP REST API ). See details on GitHub http://github.com/airesvsg/acf-to-rest-api...

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WP REST API V2 Custom Post Types

This plugin combines the two of the best WordPress plugins: Advanced Custom Fields and WP REST API....

Similar: 50%


Did you find this plugin helpful? Please consider leaving a 5-star review. Note: This plugin requires the JSON REST API (WP API) plugin. For site owners who want the WP API served over SSL always and forever. All HTTP requests to the JSON REST API will be 301 redirected to their HTTPS equivalent..........

Similar: 50%

WP REST API Sidebars

An extension for the WP REST API that exposes endpoints for sidebars and widgets. note: this plugin is under heavy development and will receive frequent feature updates (including documentation) so stay tuned and checkout the github repo for the latest updates...

Similar: 45%


MB Rest API is an extension of the Meta Box plugin which pulls all custom fields' values (meta value) from posts, pages, custom post types, terms into the WordPress REST API responses under 'meta_box' key. This plugin requires the WordPress REST API v2 and Meta Box v4.8.5+....

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