
By : unknown

Allows registered and/or non registered users to confirm if they will be present at a planned meeting and optionally add comments and number of participants with them.

Meeting Truth

Meeting Truth is a comprehensive suite of meeting management tools for the nondual community, and was developed entirely from the ground up with Nondual Satsang and Retreat organisers in mind. The Meeting Truth Events plugin allows you to easily display events and sessions from the MeetingTruth.com.........

Similar: 25%

Full Calendar Js

FullCalendarJs allows you to save multiple XML feeds into a calendar id and display those calendar's as if they were one. The plugin works specifically off of a jquery plugin. The Jquery plugin is written by Adam Shaw. This plugin is lightweight and is designed for ease of use and simplification. W.........

Similar: 22%

The Events Calendar

A note about support: We’re here to help troubleshoot bugs, but should set expectations early that the support forums at WordPress.org are only checked once a week. Please read our sticky post before creating a new thread. Users looking for more timely/in-depth support are encouraged to chec.........

Similar: 16%

PHP Event Calendar for WordPress

Check out the complete online events calendar demo. Feel free to play around, add new events, create recurring events, open a new calendar, search for events, or upload an image file for an event! The PHP Events Calendar is developed by the good people at PHPEventCalendar.com. It can be used ri.........

Similar: 16%

Booking Calendar

Booking Calendar plugin will enable online booking services for your site. It's highly supported, oldest (since 2009) booking wordpress plugin with intuitive interface and flexible functionality, which is possible to use in wide range of businesses. Plugin Homepage | Features | Support Forum | F.........

Similar: 13%

Online Booking and Appointment Scheduling by CozyCal

The official WordPress Online Booking and Appointment Scheduling plugin by CozyCal. CozyCal integrates with your Google Calendar to provide appointment scheduling directly on your website. To find out more, visit https://cozycal.com....

Similar: 13%

WP Easy Events - Create and manage events easily

WP Easy Events is an easy to use event management system covering events, organizers, and venues. WP Easy Events comes with an event calendar which you can see the current and upcoming featured events. This plugin was created using WP App Studio WordPress Design and Development Platform and can .........

Similar: 10%

GAM Event Manager

GAM Event Manager is a lightweight, scalable and full-featured event registration plugin for adding event listing functionality to your WordPress site. The shortcode lists all the events, it can work with any theme and is really easy to setup and customize. The settings pages let you select how you .........

Similar: 9%

Pinpoint Booking System (+WooCommerce)

View live demo of Booking System Front End here. This Plugin will help you to easily create a booking/reservation system into your WordPress website or blog. The Booking System will display a calendar for users to see availability and book dates and hours. Booking System is great for booking hotel.........

Similar: 9%

Event Calendar WD

Looking for an enhanced tool for displaying and managing various events within the site? Whether you have a single event you want to display on a calendar or multiple events per day, the Event Calendar plugin will help you to organize the events using elegant views. You can choose to display the ev.........

Similar: 7%