WP-Stateless - Google Cloud Media Storage

The WP-Stateless plugin copies your media uploads to Google Cloud Storage in real-time as you add items to your Media Library. The uploaded files are then served directly from the Google bucket, making your media files load quicker from the distributed Google servers. The plugin will handle all media uploads including image thumbnails, PDF documents, audio files, and more.

This plugin is useful for running multiple environments or instances of your WordPress site.

Plugin requires PHP 5.4 or higher.

See the plugin on GitHub

WordPress Amazon S3 Plugin

WP-S3 copies media files used in your blog post to Amazon S3 cloud. Uses only filters to replace the media urls in the post if media is available in the S3 cloud. WordPress cron functionality is used for batching media upload to S3. This plugin is very safe and will not modify anything in your data.........

Similar: 72%

Amazon S3 for WordPress

This WordPress plugin allows you to use Amazon's Simple Storage Service to host your media for your WordPress powered blog. Amazon S3 is a cheap and cost effective way to scale your site to easily handle large spikes in traffic (such as from Digg) without having to go through the expense of setting.........

Similar: 67%

WP Offload S3

This plugin automatically copies images, videos, documents, and any other media added through WordPress' media uploader to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). It then automatically replaces the URL to each media file with their respective S3 URL or, if you have configured Amazon CloudFront, the r.........

Similar: 63%

Nephila clavata

This WordPress plugin allows you to use Amazon's Simple Storage Service to host your media for your WordPress powered blog. PHP libraries are using AWS SDK for PHP 2. PHP5.3 or later Required....

Similar: 58%

Amazon S3 for WordPress with CloudFront

This WordPress plugin allows you to use Amazon's Simple Storage Service to host your media for your WordPress powered blog with an optional CloudFront distribution. It is a modification of: http://tantannoodles.com/toolkit/wordpress-s3/ Amazon S3 is a cheap and cost effective way to scale your sit.........

Similar: 50%

Razuna Media Manager

This WordPress Plugin allows you to use any hosted Razuna service to host your media for your WordPress powered blog. Once installed and configured, this plugin transparently integrates with your WordPress blog. You will find a "Razuna" Tab next to your regular "Upload" and "Media Library" tab, whi.........

Similar: 45%

Amazon Web Services for WordPress

This plugin automatically copies any media added through WordPress' media uploader to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). It then automatically replaces the URL to each media file with their respective S3 URL or, if you have configured Amazon CloudFront, the respective CloudFront URL. Image thumbnai.........

Similar: 42%

StorageQloud for WordPress

This WordPress plugin allows you to use GreenQloud's Truly Green™ StorageQloud service to host the static media for your WordPress site. It was built on the open source (GPL) plugin WordPress for S3. StorageQloud is a cheap, 100% carbon neutral AWS S3 alternative and cost effective way to scale you.........

Similar: 31%

ILAB Media Tools

ILAB Media Tools are a suite of tools designed to enhance media handling in WordPress in a number of ways. NOTE: This plugin requires PHP 5.5x or higher (PHP 7.x preferred)...

Similar: 25%


GSpeech is a text to speech solution for WordPress. It uses Google power to provide you the best quality of automatic text to speech service. Enjoy!...

Similar: 5%