By : pluc

WP-URLCache allows you to use a shortcode to locally cache outgoing links in your posts and pages.

Block Internet Archive

Block Internet Archive is a simple plugin that will prevent the Internet Archive Wayback Machine from saving periodic snapshots of your website. The best time to install this plugin is as soon as your site goes live, before the Wayback Machine has a chance to crawl it. If the Wayback Machine has a.........

Similar: 50%

Automatic Facebook Cache Cleaner

Have you ever posted a link to Facebook only to realize afterwards that it's got a typo, and when you correct it, Facebook still shares the wrong stuff? This happens because the first post is cached, and most people have no clue how to solve it. The manual solution it is not even evident... it is do.........

Similar: 20%

Site Traffic Trend

Adds rankarchive.com trend to the admin Dashboard for current domain. The trend shows Alexa traffic rank history for period makes it convenient to see how is your site grows. Requirements: WordPress 2.9++ PHP 5.1.xx MySql 5.1.xx PHP 4.xx and MySql 4.xx not supported Free one-click domain submissi.........

Similar: 20%

Purge Cloud Flare

It clears whole Cloud Flare cache for desired domain. Purge is done from WordPress admin panel or plugin's page. Future versions will contain functionality which purges specific URL and/or specific pages/posts THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW: Sometimes Cloud Flare Api refuses to clear the cache. In this .........

Similar: 12%

Closte Plugin for WordPress

Plugin features: Fastest WordPress page caching, auto tag based purging Fastest WordPress object cache based on APCu. One click CDN implementation. One click spam protection. ...

Similar: 10%

Check and Enable GZIP compression

GZIP compression is bundling (zipping) pages on a web server before the page is sent to the visitor. This saves bandwidth and therefore increases the loading speed of the page significantly. The visitors' web browser then automatically unzips the pages. This compressing and unzipping only takes a .........

Similar: 10%

Filename-based asset cache busting

Filename-based cache busting for WordPress scripts/styles using last modified date. Based on this gist https://gist.github.com/ocean90/1966227 from Dominik Schilling, I've enhanced it by automatically replacing the asset version with the files modification time and automatically editing htaccess - .........

Similar: 10%

WP Green Cache

WP Green Cache is a powerfull caching plugin for WordPress blogs. It's higly minimize (%95) the usage of server's resources and provides very fast blog pages. If you care about the speed of your site, WP Green Cache is one of those plugins that you absolutely MUST have installed. To explain some te.........

Similar: 10%

VKontakte (VK.com) Community Widget Cache

This plugin was adapted to avoid loading VKontakte Community Widget JavaScripts and images in an iframe every time a page is loaded. It is a fact, that the JavaScripts and iframes increase page loading times and are often harmful for websites' performance. Not everyone likes to have extra weight cod.........

Similar: 10%

Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

Similar: 2%