WP User Redirects

This plug-in will disable all users (subscriber, contributor, author, and/or editor) except administrator from accessing admin pages in your wordpress. That mean after activating this plug-in only Administrator user will be able to access wp-admin page. Also this plug-in will hide the dashboard bar from users. If the user is admin then only the admin bar will be shown. Note: To work this plug-in you need to have a minimum of WordPress 3.1. Other version have not tested yet.

WP Admin No Show

This plugin will gives the site admin the ability to "blacklist" roles (subscriber, contributor, author, and/or editor) and will redirect all users assiged to any blacklisted roles when they try to access any wp-admin page (is_admin() is true). This plugin will also hide the admin bar for those user.........

Similar: 86%

Admin Bar Disabler

Pretty easy setup.. just install and activate it on the site of your choice (or network activate), and setup the settings however you'd like. This plugin supports both Per-Site and Per-Network (WordPress Multisite) settings, so you can fine tune your options based on your needs. If you're interest.........

Similar: 63%

Disable Admin Bar

Disable the Admin Bar that now appears on the public side of WordPress blogs. For a hassle free integration, drop the plugin file into wp-content/mu-plugins (create the directory if needed) and it will be automatically activated....

Similar: 43%

WP Admin UI

WP Admin UI allow you to customize login screen, global settings, Dashboard, Admin menu, Admin bar, TinyMCE Editor, Metaboxes, Columns in list view, User Profil, and third party plugins. Note that this plugin is still in beta, some features may not work properly. Thanks!...

Similar: 38%

WP Hide Dashboard

A simple plugin that removes the Dashboard menu, the Personal Options section and the Help link on the Profile page, hides the Dashboard links in the toolbar menu (if activated), and prevents Dashboard access to users assigned to the Subscriber role. Useful if you allow your subscribers to edit thei.........

Similar: 38%

WP Custom Admin Bar

A really simple and easy to use plugin to help gain control of the new Admin Bar. This gives you options to change who sees the Admin Bar based on their user role, change or override the default styling or remove the Admin Bar altogether. It adds a menu to the Admin Bar which gives you the ability .........

Similar: 34%

Hide Comments Feature

For those who do not need to have the Comments feature in WordPress (there are a lot of reasons), this plugin removes any trace of that existence in both wp-admin and front-end. Your theme must rely properly on the WordPress API for the front-end support. The tag must be present. Completely done th.........

Similar: 34%

Remove ADD NEW POST Capability

This plugin specifically disables all non-admin users (with posting capability), from creating and adding new POSTS from the user dashboard. However, all standard roles assigned to the respective user levels (mainly EDITOR and AUTHOR), will remain the same. The 'add new' submenu item will also be .........

Similar: 24%

Admin Bar & Dashboard Access Control

Simple plugin for disabling admin bar and preventing access to WordPress dashboard based on a user's roles. It is that simple :D...

Similar: 22%

WP App Studio

WP App Studio allows you to build advanced sites in the form of WordPress plugins without writing a single line of PHP code. WP App Studio Plugin is the tool you use to design your plugin and send it for code generation. Create your own plugin and move on....

Similar: 2%