
By : unknown

IMPORTANT! PLUGIN IS NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE! This plugin allows you get donations and accept payments from people using WebMoney system. WebMoney is the most popular payment system in Europe. iYou can show donors list and total donations amount in your blog sidebar and pages using [shortcodes]. Visit widget page for more information.

Liqpay Donate

Another small plugin for donations. This plugin allows you get donations and accept payments from people using LiqPAY system. LiqPAY is the swiftly developing payment system in Europe. Visit widget page for more information....

Similar: 72%

Say Hello

Give your visitors a warm velcome! This plugin displays a 'Hello!' in different languages in a widget. Look at it live on Virtual-Sightseeing...

Similar: 34%


///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WP-POST-BANNERS HAS BEEN RENAMED TO FEATPLUG !! http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/featplug ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Please update your bookmarks; new plugin reposi.........

Similar: 23%


Featplug is a standalone script / wordpress plugin that can mine your WordPress posts or any other data and look for images suiting a given dimension and generates 'featured' section for your site using the found items. The featured section, includes a resized image (banner) with the label, descrip.........

Similar: 23%

PaymeButtons for Stripe

What is PaymeButtons for Stripe? PaymeButtons for Stripe is an awesome alternative to PayPal's buy now, pay now and donation buttons. With PaymeButtons for Stripe you can start accepting credit card payments on your site in minutes - no coding required. Although many payment plugins charge you upo.........

Similar: 21%

CM Answers

CM Answers is a plugin for WordPress that enables users to post questions and answers (Q&A) in a Stackoverflow style. Plugin also includes social media registration using Facebook, LinkedIn or Google+, Twitter & Microsoft Live authentication. The CM Answers discussion forum plugin has many o.........

Similar: 13%

Zedity Editor: The Best Way to Create Your Posts and Pages!

Would you like to make your WordPress experience much easier? Zedity enables you to create posts and pages as naturally as writing on paper! With absolutely no coding skills required, creating catchy and professional content becomes incredibly easy and quick for anyone! Zedity is available in .........

Similar: 12%

Social Share 2.0 - Social Bookmarks

This plugin adds a small widget within each blog post to share blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Digg, Surfpeople, and well over 100 more social bookmarking and sharing sites ....

Similar: 9%

Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

Similar: 7%

WPVKP Custom Login Page

This easy to use plugin gives you the power to convert the boring wordpress login page with much more attractive and personalized login page. This plugin helps to improve your brand authority and also helps to improve user experince. Now can customize the logo, the background, the login button and v.........

Similar: 4%