WP YouTube Lyte

WP YouTube Lyte allows you to "lazy load" your video's, by inserting responsive "Lite YouTube Embeds". These look and feel like normal embedded YouTube, but only call the actual "fat" Flash or HTML5-player when clicked on, thereby reducing download size & rendering time substantially when embedding YouTube occasionally and improving page performance dramatically when you've got multiple YouTube video's on one and the same page.

Just add a YouTube-link for a video or an entire playlist with "httpv" (or "httpa" to embed YouTube's audio only) instead of "http" or add a Lyte widget to your sidebar and WP YouTube Lyte replaces that link with the correct performance-optimized code. When a visitor clicks the play-button, WP YouTube Lyte seamlessly initiates YouTube's new embedded player. Some examples:

  • httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SQkWbRublY (normal video embed)
  • httpv://youtu.be/_SQkWbRublY (video embed with youtube-shortlink)
  • httpa://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SQkWbRublY (audio only embed)
  • httpv://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA486E741B25F8E00 (playlist embed)
  • httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SQkWbRublY#stepSize=-1 (video player, one size smaller than what's configured as default)
  • httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SQkWbRublY?start=20&showinfo=0 (video player, start playing at 20 seconds and don't show title)

Or using shortcodes:

[lyte id="_SQkWbRublY" /]
[lyte id="_SQkWbRublY" audio="true" /]
[lyte id="A486E741B25F8E00" playlist="true" /]

As from 1.5.0 WP YouTube Lyte can also parse normal YouTube links (i.e. without httpv or not using lyte shortcodes). This feature can be enabled and disabled in the settings-page.

WP YouTube Lyte has been written with optimal performance as primary goal, but has been tested for maximum browser-compatibility (iPad included) while keeping an eye on accessibility. Starting with version 1.2.0 lyte embeds are fully responsive and can automatically embed videoObject microdata as well. The plugin is fully multi-language, with support for Catalan, Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Romanian, Spanish and Slovene.

Feedback is welcome; see info in the faq for bug reports/ feature requests and feel free to rate and/or report on compatibility on wordpress.org.

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