
With WPArchivesTree you can display a widget which list all articles in your website on a treeview. Articles are group by month and year and you can choose if you want to display the first month articles or not.

Compact Archives Widget

DO NOT INSTALL THIS PLUGIN BECAUSE IT'S NOT NEEDED ANYMORE. As of version 3.0.0 the plugin Compact Archives includes my own code, so you'll find this widget in that plugin. The plugin Compact Archives has not a widget. This plugin adds this widget to that plugin. Before using Compact Archives Widg.........

Similar: 60%

Breukie's Archives Widget

Breukie’s Archives Widget is a wordPress widget, to replace the standard archives widget by Automattic. This widget displays your archives using the wp_get_archives function, utilizes all available parameters like type, limit and format. You can also set up to 9 intances of this widget in your.........

Similar: 50%

Weekly Archive Widget

Create a widget that displays the archives by week...

Similar: 38%

Flexo Archives

This widget is designed to be a more compact alternative to the default archives widget supplied with WordPress. If you've been blogging regularly for several years, the archive list produced by the default widget grows to be quite long. If you use Flexo Archives instead, the list will be displayed .........

Similar: 38%

SF Category Menu

Plugin is based on jQuery Treeview Plugin and gives an easy Treeview Menu for WordPress categories. It will display the current page or category and all child pages. Plugin website...

Similar: 30%


The primary goal of PW_Archives is to be light-weight and efficient. I've tried almost all of the popular archiving plugins out there, and so many of them make hundreds or even thousands of queries depending on the number of posts you have on your site. PW_Archives makes only one query to get your p.........

Similar: 28%

News Manager

News Manager is a complete news management plugin for WordPress. It allows you to add, manage and display news on your WordPress site, including date archives, AJAX News Calendar, News Categories, News Tags and multiple news widgets. For more information, check out plugin page at dFactory site....

Similar: 22%

Evolution Sidebar Box

Creates a new and simple to use widget that adds a sidebar box with recent posts, last comments, categories, popular posts, a tag cloud and the archives to the sidebar. No Options. This widget is perfect for light-colored themes....

Similar: 20%

WP-Parsi navigation trees

This plugin create dynamic expand/collapse tree-widget navigation from wordpress nav menu. When plugin activated, go to widgets page and drag the widget to theme widgets area and choose menu from the list and that's all! Plugin has a basic-light theme. Yous can create special and bueaty theme (linke.........

Similar: 18%

Archive Posts Accordion Panel

Archive Posts Accordion Panel is a content block and widget plugin that is used to enhance the search experience for the archive posts into accordion panel. Customer can view the archive posts according to month and year into accordion panel with ajax load more option. It allows to show unlimited s.........

Similar: 14%