WPBase Cache

By : Baseapp

Plugin is developed to optimize wordpress deployment on varnish + nginx + php-fpm + php-apc server stack using three type of caches full page cache, db cache and opcode cache. This plugin includes nginx-compatibility, db-cache-reloaded-fix for nginx and database cache. This plguin also support varnish cache management with given default.vcl. We have included sample file for nginx and varnish configurations in utils folder. This plugin will automatically invalidate caches upon certain actions from wordpress admin panel.

Thanks to:

  • Ivan Kristianto
  • Vladimir Kolesnikov

Visit our blog for more information on deployment of wordpress on varnish, nginx and php-fpm stack at WPOven Blog.

Please note that generally shared hosting don't have varnish + nginx as server software so this plugin will not work on shared hostings.

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