
WpCourses, is a tool for managing course catalog. Ideal for training companies schools and training center, the WpCursos allows you to manage and display information about your courses and schedule of classes, and vacancies.

New Features in 1.2 version: * Create Course Product in Woocommerce in create or edit course. * Sale course in Woocommerce * Create pre enrollment in new order created * Publish enrollment in Woocommerce order changed status to completed.

Get New features in Pro Version:

  • Sell your courses by Woocomerce. Create a course and synchronize with WooCommerce, sale with all forms of payment they wish.
  • Manage your online school, integrating WpCpurses with Moodle. Let the WordPress do all the bureaucratic paper:
  • Sell your course with WooCommerce.
  • Manage enrollments automatically. Let WpCourses check payment of a registration, and sincronizes user data and enrollment with Moodle automatically.
  • Make all administrative part by WordPress Moodle leaving only its real role. Create courses, classes and courses and classes by Worpdress WpCourses synchronizes all data automatically.
  • Manage your courses for classes.
  • Student Central on your WordPress site. A special place for students, where they can see their grades, feedback, notifications, password change, and more.
  • Automation tarabalho. Where financial operator confirm the payment for the purchase of a course, the WpCourses, does all the dirty work to change the status of the request, synchronize user data with WordPress Moodle, and notify you by email that the students can already start studying.
  • Classes and Scheduled enrollments. Create a new class and schedule your publication. So you want to give the time WpCourses redo all the work.
  • New Enrollments. The student may enroll in any course enabled.
  • Among other more.

Buy a pro version with this all features and 3 more: http://codecanyon.net/item/wpcourses-pro/9170404?ref=caiovnciusorg


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