WPML flag in menu Extended

Shows translated flags (for every language except current viewing lang) in any selected menu in the plugin settings LTR support

In addition to the plugin from Ramon Fincken, this plugin let you select on which menu you want to add the language flags. You can even make an empty menu and make it dedicated for your language flags and put it as a custom menu in the sidebar.

To make the flags appear on a translated menu, you go in the settings of the plugin and add the translated menu to the selection you made. This has to be done with every translated menu where you want the flags to appear. So, if you just have translated a menu. Go back to the options of the widget and you will see that this translated menu is added to the list. Select this menu too and save the options.

WPML flag in menu

Shows translated flags (for every language except current viewing lang) in the default or wp_nav_menu at last position. wp_nav_menu = Appearance -> menus LTR support Coding by: MijnPress.nl Twitter profile More plugins...

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wp_nav_menu Extended!

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Advanced Navigation Menus

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Font Awesome Menus

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Members Only Menu Plugin

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Most people are likely to use some lines of PHP or the widget provided by the Multisite Language Switcher to integrate the links to the translations in their blogs. But this can lead to fatal errors if you don't know much about PHP, or maybe the dynamic sidebars are not the best place in your opini.........

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Custom Post Type's Archive in WP Nav Menu

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Simple Punctual Translation

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Flags Widget

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