
By : Daschmi

Displays dates on a calendar, and link to date posts.


WP-Smartdate looks for relative date expressions in your blog posts, such as "tomorrow," "this coming Monday," "last Friday," looks at the current date, and computes what day you were referencing in plain old English. WP-Smartdate then puts a machine readable reference (like "2007-11-26") in an abbr.........

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Calendar Translation

With this plugin you can translate date and time, using the_time, get_the_time, the_date and get_the_date in your themes. For example: If your WordPress installation is in English, you can translate just date and time to Brazilian Portuguese. In the file configuration.php you can set the locale, ch.........

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Displays the date of last page/post modification (if applicable, no modification = no display). Français : Ce plugin affiche la date/heure de modification d'un(e) billet/page. Si aucune modification, rien ne sera affiché....

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Time Difference

This simple plugin will help you embed time differences your posts, pages and text widgets. Just follow this simple syntax and type it into your post, page or widget content: [time]timestamp,units[/time] Replace "timestamp" with the date you wish to calculate the difference with. Then replace "uni.........

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Last Modified

Add post last modified to HTTP header to enable squid or cdn to cache your wordpress web page. Squid will not cache the page without http header field Last-Modified....

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Archive Diversity

Why should category, tag, date and author archives be limited to Posts only? If you want other post types (such as Pages, attachments or custom post types) to appear in your category, tag, date or author archives along with your Posts, this is the plugin for you....

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Genesis Simple Archives

Genesis Simple Archives removes the clutter from your archives. Instead of the traditional paginated blog layout with large headlines, bylines, featured images, full content or excerpts and category and tag information, all the posts are displayed as a simple list on a single page. You can optional.........

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Advanced Event Calendar

Advanced Event Calendar wordpress plugin will show event calendar with the best and beautifull way on your site. Its fully responsive plugin. Also you can add your event in wordpress & show in calendar format. This plugin as awesome lightbox effect for each event. This plugin has super easy sh.........

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Localendar Calendar for WordPress

Thanks for checking out the localendar calendar plugin for WordPress. We have been powering web calendars for thousands of sites for over 13 years, and are pleased to provide a dedicated calendar plugin for WordPress. Why use a slow, stripped-down calendar plugin that offers only a few basic featur.........

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Quick Featured Images

The plugin is available in English, Spanish (Español), Arabic (العربية) and German (Deutsch)....

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