XO Security

By : ishitaka

Enhanced security features such as record login log, change login page URL, limit login attempts, disable XML-RPC pingback, disable REST API.


TrustAuth is an excellent way to keep your blog secure. TrustAuth uses the same technology as SSL to authenticate users to a website instead of using passwords. This plugin allows you to use TrustAuth to login to your blog. Note: The TrustAuth browser plugin is required to use TrustAuth. You can fi.........

Similar: 43%

IP Geo Block

There are some cases of a site being infected. The first one is the case that contaminated files are uploaded via FTP or some kind of uploaders. In this case, scaning and verifing integrity of files in your site is useful to detect the infection. The second one is cracking of the login username .........

Similar: 32%


IPBlock limits number of attempts an user has to log in, thus providing very good protection against automated login attacks. It is highly customizable, you can set your own blocking scheme and decide what is the best to not annoy forgetful users. You can also customize every message displayed to us.........

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Mozilla Persona (BrowserID)

Mozilla Persona is an open source identity system from the Identity Team at Mozilla. More information on Persona can be found at https://login.persona.org/about. This plugin allows users to sign up, sign in, and comment on your site using Persona. ** Reporting problems: ** Please report any issue.........

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Hide Login Logo

This light-weight plugin hides logo in WordPress login screen to make it clearer....

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WP Cerber

Limit the number of login attempts through the login form, XML-RPC requests or using auth cookies. Restrict access with Black Access List and White Access List. Track user and intruder activity. =How does WP Cerber protect sites?= By default WordPress allows unlimited login attempts either through.........

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WP User Access Notification (by SiteGuarding.com)

This plugin is very useful as for administrators of WordPress websites and for the users. It sends notifications about successful and failed login actions. If someone wants to hack or bruteforce the passwords of your users or administrator password, you will get full information about the attacker. .........

Similar: 15%

NinjaFirewall (WP Edition)

NinjaFirewall (WP Edition) is a true Web Application Firewall. Although it can be installed and configured just like a plugin, it is a stand-alone firewall that sits in front of WordPress. It allows any blog administrator to benefit from very advanced and powerful security features that usually are.........

Similar: 12%

BulletProof Security

BulletProof Security Feature Highlights One-Click Setup Wizard jQuery UI Dialog Form Uninstall Options: BPS Pro upgrade uninstallation or complete BPS plugin uninstallation .htaccess Website Security Protection (Firewalls) Login Security & Monitoring Idle Session Logout (ISL) Auth Cookie Expir.........

Similar: 4%

WP App Studio

WP App Studio allows you to build advanced sites in the form of WordPress plugins without writing a single line of PHP code. WP App Studio Plugin is the tool you use to design your plugin and send it for code generation. Create your own plugin and move on....

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