
By : ekevinuk

YWeather getting and displaying the weather on your blog. This plugin is extremely simple. It displays the temperature in celcius or fahrenheit and an illustration of the current weather. The CSS is fully customisable and simple.

New feature could come on demand.

Yahoo! Weather Plugin

Yahoo Weather Widget in new look, with multiple locations weather.Put your city weather in post/page or widget. Easy to customize and support multi-widget. Enhanced Weather Icons and output with diffrent cities and two slider animation....

Similar: 67%

Beautiful Yahoo Weather

The Weather plugin enables you to get up-to-date weather information for your location.The Weather plugin is a dynamically-generated based on WOEID...

Similar: 50%

Xerxes Weather Plugin

Xerxes Weather Plugin is a modifikation of the Simple Weather Plugin. The Xerxes Weather Plugin uses the Google API and shows the weather of the current user locaction based on there IP adresse. The plugin is very easy to use - not settings requierd, you can change the CSS with editor by modifying .........

Similar: 50%

Weather Man

You can add the widget using the Widget page under Appearence....

Similar: 40%

WP SimpleWeather

WP SimpleWeather allows you to quickly and easily display the current weather at any location you enter using the Yahoo! Weather API. WP SimpleWeather is exactly what you'd expect from the name. A SIMPLE way to display weather via a wordpress plugin. It is easily installed, widgetized, and comes wit.........

Similar: 29%

Yahoo Weather

A simple Yahoo Weather widget...

Similar: 25%

Weather Slider

Lee el tiempo desde Yahoo! Weather, de los códigos de las ciudades insertadas en el formulario, desde weather.yahooapis.com. Muestra dos ciudades en cada ítem y se desplaza por el resto automáticamente, con la opción de poder seleccionar un ítem. Cantidad de ciudades y CSS c.........

Similar: 19%

Yahoo! Weather Forecasts

This plugin uses the Yahoo! Weather feed data to display selected city latest weather forecasts. Get your favorite city weather in a widget. Easy to customize and support multi-widget. This plugin also comes with temperature options. Set the country WOEID with WOEID Generator, and you will have th.........

Similar: 12%

WordPress Popular Widgets: Weather, Facebook, Twitter, Visitors Map, YouTube, Picasa, Games

Collection of most popular widgets on wordpress used by more than 200,000 blogs. Make your blog interactive, fun and engaging. By installing this amazing collection of widgets. You can enable/disable any of the following widgets on your blog: Weather: By Installing this widget your users can see we.........

Similar: 11%

Location Weather

This plugin will enable Weather in WordPress site widget. Like this plugin? Consider leaving a 5 star review....

Similar: 7%