YAAM - YouTube Autoplay And Mute

By : unknown

The lightest weight YouTube extension for WordPress. YouTube has a built in capabilities that enable you to link to specific points in time, auto play and many other built-in features through the use of url parameters. With this plug-in you can autoplay, pause, skip to and many other features are exposed through URL parameters.

WordPress default configuration ignores the URL parameters when embedding urls into a post using oEmbed. This plug-in fixes that behavior enabling you to use the built in URL parameters that are available to YouTube video with extra features (namely muting videos).

For example: https://youtu.be/rRr4N2nN_X8?autoplay=1

Will embed the YouTube player and have it automatically start playing.

You can copy any URL from Youtube such as starting from 1 minute into the video: https://youtu.be/rRr4N2nN_X8?t=1m

and it will embed the video and start it at minute 1.

One extra feature that is not available in the built in youtube player parameters that we added to the plugin is the option to mute the video as well. For example:


this will embed the youtube player and have it start playing automatically at minute 1. To explore more of the URL parameter options please review the Google Youtube URL parameters list: https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters#Parameters


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