YD WordPress Plugins Framework

By : ydubois

Create new plugins quickly

This simple plugin development framework makes it super easy to create sophisticated custom plugins and widgets for WordPress 2.9+.

Please be aware that this is just an empty framework: when installed "as-is", the plugin will not do anything.

It is just a base toolkit on which to build up actual features.

Compatible with PHP5.

This framework is used by all recent and upcoming [YD plugins](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/profile/ydubois WordPress Plugins by Yann Dubois). File versions should be consistent between all installed YD plugins.

WordPress auto-purge

Keep total number of posts constant Needs WordPress.com stats plugin and YD WordPress.com Stats integration plugin. Uses WP Cron to periodically perform automatic cleanup. Will keep total number of posts in the blog to a specified amount. Great when using FeedWordPress for content aggregation or.........

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YD Featured Box Widget

Quick and simple featured boxes as widgets Adds a widget to display a square or rectangular block in the form of an image, title, and subtitle pointing to a specific post, page, category or theme. Nice CSS styling. Recommended for inclusion in “magazine styled” home pages. Multi-widget is suppor.........

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YD Prevent Comment Impersonation

This simple WordPress plugin prevents a "non registered" commentator to use the identity (login or e-mail address) of a registered user. It gives the anonymous user a choice of loging in, registering, or choosing another identity....

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WP Frontpage News

NOTE: This WordPress news plugin is the free version of the plugin WP Latest posts witch can be found right here with a lot of information and demo: http://www.joomunited.com/wordpress-products/wp-latest-posts Frequently posting news on your website or want to display your content in a dynamic way?.........

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YD BuddyPress Feed Syndication

Syndicate RSS feeds into your user or group Activity stream Select any kind of RSS feeds that will be agregated into your BuddyPress activity stream. For example, to import an existing blog. Each BuddyPress user can select as many external RSS feeds as they want. They will be aggregated (mixed) in.........

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YD WPMU Bloglist Widget

Show a list of all the WPMU sub-sites This WordPress MU plugin installs a new sidebar widget that can display the list of children sites of your main mother site in a single or multi-column format. The post count is displayed for each sub-site / blog of the blogs listing. It also creates a new PHP .........

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WordPress SugarCRM Integration - A CRM Sugar WordPress Form Builder For Contacts and Lead Capture

WP Sugar Free plugin is now part of WP Leads Builder For Any CRM, a combined plugins for all CRM like wp tiger, wp sugar free, wp zoho plugins with more features. Users are advised to download the new plugins no future updates or support will be available for this plugin. Version 1.2 is available w.........

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Ads Campaigns

Create Facebook Ads and Remarketing Ads from your wordpress! Create, monitor and schedule your ads easily. Use the Ad Buddy system to automatically optimize your ads for amazing results! Can be used and integrated with the Landing Pages Builder and the Social Contests plugins for more leads .........

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GSpeech is a text to speech solution for WordPress. It uses Google power to provide you the best quality of automatic text to speech service. Enjoy!...

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Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

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