YOP Poll

By : YOP

YOP Poll plugin allows you to easily integrate a survey in your blog post/page and to manage the polls from within your WordPress dashboard but if offers so much more than other similar products. Simply put, it doesn't lose sight of your needs and ensures that no detail is left unaccounted for.

To name just a few improvements, you can create polls to include both single or multiple answers, work with a wide variety of options and settings to decide how you wish to sort your poll information, how to manage the results, what details to display and what to keep private, whether you want to view the total votes or the total voters, to set vote permissions or block voters etc.

Scheduling your polls is no longer a problem. YOP Poll can simultaneously run multiple polls (no limit included) or you can schedule your polls to start one after another. Also, keeping track of your polls is easy, you have various sorting functions and you can access older versions at any time.

Designed to intuitive and easy to use, this plugin allows shortcodes and includes a widget functionality that fits perfectly with your WordPress website. For more details on the included features, please refer to the description below.

Current poll features:

  • Create/ Edit / Clone/Delete poll - allows you to create or intervene in your poll at any time, if you consider it necessary.

  • Poll scheduling: programs each poll to start/end on a certain date. You can simultaneously run multiple polls. This option can be used to schedule your polls one after another.

  • Display polls: you can choose to display one or more polls on your website by simply adding the corresponding poll ID. You can also decide for a random display of your active polls.

  • View all polls: lists all your polls that you can sort by number of votes or voters, by question or by date. It also includes a search option.

  • Poll answers - allows other answers, multiple answers and includes a sorting module by various criteria: in exact order, in alphabetical order, by number of votes, ascending, descending etc.

  • Poll results - offers a great flexibility when displaying the results: before/after vote, after poll's end date, on a custom date or never. The results can also be displayed by vote numbers, percentages or both. You can choose to include a view results link, view number of votes or number of voters.

  • Add new custom fields - is a complex option that you can use to ask for additional information from your voters, information that you can then export and use for.

  • Reset stats - proves useful when you wish to restart a poll.

  • Vote permissions: - limits the voting accessibility to guests, registered users or both, or blocks user access by cookie, IP and username.

  • Archive options - allows the users of the website to access former polls statistics. You can choose which polls to display according to their start/end date.

  • Edit/delete/clone templates - allows you to customize the poll using either the html or the visual modes. You can also customize the result bar.

  • Display Options - displays answers and results tabulated, vertically or horizontally.

  • Logs and bans - user logs and bans can be seen in the admin section. You can ban users by email, username and IP and you can set the limitation preferences for all your polls or for just one of them.

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