
In your post, (using either the Visual or HTML view) use the tags shown below for each scripture reference.

[youversion]John 3:16[/youversion]

You will have a direct link to YouVersion regardless of whether you use the verse bubble.


Scripturizer will convert Bible references in your posts and comments into hyperlinks to online Bibles. For example, it will change John 3:16 into something like John 3:16 Online Bibles currently supported are: Bible Gateway The NET Bible The English Standard Version Oremus Bible Browser Septuag.........

Similar: 67%

ESV Bible Shortcode for WordPress

This plugin uses the ESV Bible Web Service API to provide an easy way to display scripture in the ESV translation on a WordPress installation. Using WordPress shortcodes, you can quickly display lengthy passages or single verses in your WordPress posts....

Similar: 34%


This plugin enables NETBibleTagger on your WordPress site. NETBibleTagger is a new and innovative way to quote and link to the Bible from your existing scripture references. Plain references turn into hyperlinks which create a small in-line windows (tooltips), when the user mouses over them....

Similar: 34%

Bible References

Description only in Russian. Данный плагин является инструментом по подсветки ссылок из Библии на вашем сайте. Установив данный плагин, вы позволите посетителям вашего сайта сразу прочесть, то или иное место из Библии, просто наведя на стих курсор мыши. На пример вы упомянули у себя "Первое посла.........

Similar: 29%

Bible Verse

This is the most advanced Bible plug-in on WordPress that lets you search for and embed passages directly onto your blog posts. Your WordPress toolbar will have a new icon that lets you search for and add the passage directly to your post. No more loading up a 3rd party site like .........

Similar: 29%

Scripture Cloud

This plugin does NOT tag scripture verses and make them clickable links. It merely finds Bible verses, and displays your most referenced Bible verses in a "Cloud" format. The verse list is generated and placed into a meta field for the post to improve efficiency. It uses the built-in WordPress se.........

Similar: 29%


The Truth plugin will scan the content of your posts, pages, comments, and widgets for references to Bible verses and can generate two types of links from these references....

Similar: 25%

BibleGateway Links Shortcode

Shortcode for linking Bible references to a BibleGateway page. Links open in a small popup window. Adds a convenient editor button for inserting the shortcode. New in 0.1.3: Settings page to set Bible version and Bible search service. Both can be overridden via filters....

Similar: 20%

Scripture Highlighter

This plugin provides a simple way to utilize the Highlighter tool. Once you install Scripture Highlighter there is no configuration required, however you will see some options to enable or disable auto highlighting and also the ability to choose your default version of the Bible. Version.........

Similar: 20%

Multipurpose Bible Linker

This plugin is designed to help people referring to English, Russian or Ukrainian Bibles. Once activated, it will find all texts that look like references to Biblical texts and replace them with a link to the actual Bible chapter and verses. Supported recognition of long and short titles. It is poss.........

Similar: 16%