Zara 4 Image Compression

By : Zara 4

Optimise and compress your images automatically with Zara 4.

By optimising, resizing and compressing photographs on your website, you can dramatically reduce the amount of data visitors to your website download.

Less data to download equals faster loading pages, reduced bandwidth usage and less storage space on your servers.

Zara 4 combines intelligent image optimisation and enhanced compression techniques to deliver images that display faster.

Kraken Image Optimizer

This plugin allows you to optimize new and existing WordPress image uploads through Kraken Image Optimizer's API. Both lossless and intelligent lossy optimization modes are supported. Supported filetypes are JPEG, PNG and GIF. Maximum filesize limit is 16 MB. For more details, including detailed doc.........

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CheetahO Image Optimizer

This plugin allows you to optimize new and existing WordPress image uploads through CheetahO Image optimizer API. You can choose lossless or lossy optimization modes. At this moment supported filetypes are JPEG, PNG. Get your FREE account with us Sign up for your FREE Account a.........

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Compress PNG for WP

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ShortPixel Image Optimizer

ShortPixel makes your website load faster by reducing the size of your images and helps you rank better in Google search. With both lossy and lossless image compression available for all common image types (PNG, JPG, GIF), plus PDF files. The plugin is free to use for 100 images/month. How does it .........

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Klix Image DimSum

Addicted to speed. Heck, who isn't. Squeeze out better performance with little effort. And get a shot at a higher Google ranking. Search engines, notably Google introduced speed in their ranking algorithm a few years ago. Yet, the average site runs above 10 seconds to the user. Big guns like Facebo.........

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fasterImage Image Optimizer

62% des ressources de votre site sont des images, grâce à fasterImage vous allez facilement réduire leur taille (sans altérer leur qualité) et accélérer le temps de chargement de vos pages. fasterImage est un outil d'optimisation d'images en ligne, il peut être activé ou désactivé à tout moment san.........

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EWWW Image Optimizer

The EWWW Image Optimizer is a WordPress plugin that will automatically optimize your images as you upload them to your blog. It can optimize the images that you have already uploaded, convert your images automatically to the file format that will produce the smallest image size (make sure you read t.........

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Compress JPEG & PNG images

Make your website faster by compressing your JPEG and PNG images. This plugin automatically optimizes your images by integrating with the popular image compression services TinyJPG and TinyPNG....

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WordPress Image shrinker

You probably know that the speed of your website is important for both user experience and for your search engine ranking. The people at offered this great service where you could upload your PNG images and shortly also your JPG images, to have the file size shrinked to much lower amou.........

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Sirv CDN & Image Manager

Sirv hosts your images and serves them to your WordPress site at any size you require. It optimizes images and rapidly serves them from its CDN. Major features of Sirv image management: Resize your images to any size you require. Responsive resize to dynamically fit the screen. Serve your images .........

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