By : zyntux

Dieses Plugin aendert die Begruessung in der Adminleiste oben rechts, nach dem Einloggen. Basiert auf Howdy Against Humanity

Movable Type Login Skin

Since there’s still quite a few hold-outs on the Movable Type platform, I decided to make the transition to WordPress a little more palatable. I created this simple plugin to replace the WordPress admin login form with the Movable Type login form. In case you missed the tongue-in-cheek tone, this p.........

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Redirect Rules

Redirect users on login/logout based on their role...

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WordPress 用户中心

查看更多 http://blogqun.com/wp-user-center.html 前台注册、登录 (替换WordPress原有注册登录页面) 前台资料页面 (将WordPress原有的个人资料页面搬到前台) 积分计划 (您的用户在进行一些操作时,奖励积分作为回报(后续会加入积分兑换)) 收藏文章 (用户可以收藏您网站的文章,方便今后查阅。) 文章评分 (用户.........

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Guard protects your wp-admin against bruteforce attacks. Features: Max retries: You have the power to choose how many attempts a user can make before the user is blocked; Lockdown: This prevents the user from being able to use the login form after too many retries; Email notifications: We'll repo.........

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WP JV Post Reading Groups

Have you ever wanted to create separate section for different kind of users? This plugin will enable you to Create Reading Groups, associate users and private posts with one or multiple groups Once these users logged in they will see those private posts which you granted access Publish your post .........

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Security Ninja

Test the plugin now on Security Ninja site or give us a shout on Twitter @WebFactoryLtd. perform 40+ security tests with one click Security Ninja does not make any changes to your site - you have full control check your site for security vulnerabilities and holes take preventive measures against.........

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Ultimate Noindex Nofollow Tool II

Improves your blog's search engine optimization by "noindexing" pages you choose. Add the noindex robots meta tag to archives, categories, search pages, tags, author pages, login, admin pages or any other page you choose. Add the rel="nofollow" attribute to individual pages listed by the wp_list_p.........

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Adds CAPTCHA anti-spam methods to WordPress forms for comments, registration, lost password, login, or all. In order to post comments or register, users will have to type in the code shown on the image. This prevents spam from automated bots. Adds security. Works great with Akismet. Also is fully WP.........

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Hide Dashboard

Hides the login pages of your WordPress site. This plugin is a standalone version of the hide backend feature in iThemes Security and iThemes Security Pro....

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WordPress Pro plugins | Security-protection | Donate Why humans should prove that they are humans by filling captchas? Lets bots prove that they are not bots with adding javascript to their user-agents! Security-protection blocks and stops brute-force attacks. Want to read more how Securit.........

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