Top 9 Most Popular Batcache Wordpress Plugins | May 2024

Here are the top 9 most popular batcache wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Johnny Cache

Provides an admin interface for inspecting Memcached instances and flushing items by key or group in an AJAX fashion....Popular Score : 9,760,000

2. AIO Cache & Performance

A Simple, Stable, and Powerful Cache Plugin. Experience the Power, Stability, & Simplicity of AIO Cache Today!...Popular Score : 8,530,000

3. Tribe Object Cache

Simple plugin that supports Memcached, APC, Xcache or WinCache based on your system. All you have to do is activate it....Popular Score : 7,640,000

4. XCache Object Cache Backend

An object-cache implementation using the XCache extension....Popular Score : 3,360,000

5. APCu Object Cache Backend

An object-cache implementation using the APCu extension....Popular Score : 902,000

6. APC Object Cache Backend

APC Object Cache provides a persistent memory-based backend for the WordPress object cache. APC must be available on your PHP install....Popular Score : 899,000

7. Admin Flush W3TC Cache

Admin Flush W3TC Cache works with the W3 Total Cache plugin. It simply adds an "Empty All Caches" option to every Admin page....Popular Score : 463,000

8. W3 Total Cache

Easy Web Performance Optimization (WPO) using caching: browser, page, object, database, minify and content delivery network support....Popular Score : 257,000

9. Batcache

Batcache uses Memcached to store and serve rendered pages....Popular Score : 3,250