APC Object Cache Backend

APC Object Cache provides a persistent memory-based backend for the WordPress object cache. APC must be available on your PHP install.

An object cache is a place for WordPress and WordPress extensions to store the results of complex operations. On subsequent loads, this data can be fetched from the cache, which will be must faster than dynamically generating it on every page load.

The APC Object Cache backend is also compatible with Batcache, the powerful full page caching engine that runs on WordPress.com

Be sure to read the installation instructions, as this is not a traditional plugin, and needs to be installed in a specific location.

WinCache Object Cache Backend

This plugin is based on the code written by markjaquith for APC Object Cache Backend (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/apc/). WinCache Object Cache provides a persistent memory-based backend for the WordPress object cache. WinCache must be available on your PHP install. An object cache is a pla.........

Similar: 84%

APCu Object Cache Backend

Using this Plugin WordPress is able to store certain regular used elements into a persistent cache. Instead of computing complex operations over and over again on every single page request, its result is stored in memory once and from then on fetched directly from the cache on future page requests. .........

Similar: 78%

XCache Object Cache Backend

Using this Plugin WordPress is able to store certain regular used elements into a persistent cache. Instead of computing complex operations over and over again on every single page request, its result is stored in memory once and from then on fetched directly from the cache on future page requests. .........

Similar: 75%

Tribe Object Cache

Quickly and easily add object cache support that works across environments. All you have to do is activate the plugin and your install will immediately be set up to support any of the following if they are available on the server: APC Memcached Xcache WinCache ...

Similar: 64%


Batcache uses Memcached to store and serve rendered pages. It can also optionally cache redirects. It's not as fast as Donncha's WP-Super-Cache but it can be used where file-based caching is not practical or not desired. For instance, any site that is run on more than one server should use Batcache .........

Similar: 50%

EM Object Cache

The plugin implements object level persistent caching and can be used instead of the built in WordPress WP_Object_Cache. Unlike WP Super Cache, Hyper Cache and other plugins, EM Object Cache does not cache the entire page; instead, it caches the data WordPress explicitly asks it to cache (using wp_c.........

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Redis Object Cache

A persistent object cache backend powered by Redis. Supports HHVM's Redis extension, the PCEL Redis Extension and the Predis library for PHP (Predis requires PHP 5.4 or greater). To adjust the connection parameters or prefixing cache keys, see Other Notes. Forked from Eric Mann's and Erick Hitter'.........

Similar: 29%

Admin Flush W3TC Cache

Adds "Empty All Caches" link to the top of every Admin page. Clicking the link clears all caches and returns you to your current page. No need to go to Performance options anymore, just clear the cache from wherever you are. Requires the W3 Total Cache plugin, so make sure it is installed and activ.........

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AIO Cache & Performance

AIO Cache, a stable and simple cache, minify, and performance solution for those of you looking for solid raw performance and response times. Fast, Powerful, and Effective! Unlike other performance solutions, you don't need to configure AIO Cache. Just install and go. Quick and Simple! Best part i.........

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W3 Total Cache

The only WordPress Performance Optimization (WPO) framework; designed to improve user experience and page speed. Recommended by web hosts like: Page.ly, Synthesis, DreamHost, MediaTemple, Go Daddy, Host Gator and countless more. Trusted by countless companies like: AT&T, stevesouders.com, matt.........

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