Top 10 Most Popular Bilder Wordpress Plugins | Jul 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular bilder wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. WordPress Widget - Image Upload

Display an Image Upload Box from Score : 229,000,000

2. PR-Gateway Connect

Publish your blog content on Social Networks & + 250 press portals...Popular Score : 115,000,000


Zeigt VereinOnline-Inhalte in WordPress an. Score : 82,100,000

4. NGG Smart Image Search

NGG Smart Image Search provides a smart search functionality for images in selectable collections of NextGEN galleries on the WordPress frontend....Popular Score : 47,300,000

5. Image XML-Sitemap Generator

Plugin to generate Image Sitemaps in XML-Format for your WordPress blog....Popular Score : 32,600,000

6. OVM Picture Organizer

Bildnachweise im Impressum einfach verwalten und anzeigen - Abmahnungen vermeiden - Never written warnings because of missing picture-credits on your...Popular Score : 18,400,000

7. MirrorImages

Bilder eines Posts/Artikels mit Spiegelung darstellen...Popular Score : 17,100,000

8. Unite Gallery Lite

ALL IN ONE IMAGE AND VIDEO GALLERY for WordPress....Popular Score : 16,700,000

9. WL Kultursøk

Find historical and cultural material from many Norwegian sources. Norwegian: Finn lokal- og kulturhistorisk materiale (bøker, bilder, tekster etc.)...Popular Score : 4,820,000

10. Bibvenn infoboks

Insert metadata in posts automatically from ISBN or URL at Norwegian: Oppi ISBN eller URL fra, få infoboks med metadata etc....Popular Score : 5,580