
By : unknown

Mit MirrorImages koennen Sie Bilder eines Artikels oder einer Seite mit einem Spiegeleffekt versehen. Dabei sind ein paar Einstellungen wie Hintergrundfarbe, Spiegelungsgroesse oder Abstand der Spiegelung moeglich. Es koennen alle Bilder oder nur Bilder einer vorher bestimmten Klasse gespiegelt werden. HINWEIS: Da das gespiegelte Bild zur Laufzeit erstellt wird, sollten nicht zuviele oder zu grosse Bilder mit dieser Funktion dargestellt werden, da sonst die Seitenladezeit zu gross wird.

Razuna Media Manager

This WordPress Plugin allows you to use any hosted Razuna service to host your media for your WordPress powered blog. Once installed and configured, this plugin transparently integrates with your WordPress blog. You will find a "Razuna" Tab next to your regular "Upload" and "Media Library" tab, whi.........

Similar: 23%

Image XML-Sitemap Generator

Simple Plugin to generate a image sitemap for your WordPress-blog with all the image URLs that are used in your Blog....

Similar: 17%

ILAB Media Tools

ILAB Media Tools are a suite of tools designed to enhance media handling in WordPress in a number of ways. NOTE: This plugin requires PHP 5.5x or higher (PHP 7.x preferred)...

Similar: 13%


Lets say, for the sake of argument that you have something like an iPhone. And you use it to take pictures. You sure wish there was an easy way to be able to set up a WordPress blog as a photoblog automatically. Now you can. The Photo Stream iCloud feature is just for this kind of task. You can .........

Similar: 12%

OVM Picture Organizer

Deutsch Viele Webmaster beziehen preisgünstig (oder oft auch kostenlos) Bilder von Image-Stock-Anbietern wie Fotolia, aboutpixel, 123rf.com oder anderen. Eine Bedingung für die Verwendung dieser Bilder auf Webseiten ist meist die Nennung des Rechteinhabers, entweder direkt bei dem Bild oder im Bere.........

Similar: 10%


wp-hover is world's first fully customized content and Ad delivery platform. Currently in beta, hover.in allows bloggers / web publishers to create customized content hoverlets (overlay hover windows). The hoverlets can include anything, from text to images, movies, widgets and even dynamic applicat.........

Similar: 7%

Envoke Supersized

This plugin creates an easy to use interface for managing the Supersized jQuery Plugin on your WordPress site. You have the option to define a global set of images as well as set up an image, title, and caption on a per post basis. The per post images will override the global images if set for a par.........

Similar: 7%

Lightview Plus

A wordpress plugin which implements lightview 3.0 of Nick Stakenburg. Lightview does the same as lightbox, but in a much nicer way. lightview-plus plays videos from YouTube, blip.tv and Vimeo. This plugin automatically enhance image links to use lightview. It has the same functionality as the word.........

Similar: 7%

LH Browser Shots

This plugin allow you to grab a screenshot of a remote url and save into your own word press media library....

Similar: 7%

Unite Gallery Lite

The Unite Gallery is all in one image and video gallery for WordPress. It's based on the unite gallery javscript version, and has a very powerfull and intuitive wordpess admin for your ease of use. Every gallery option has it's description, devided into logical sections, and the items manager is v.........

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