Top 10 Most Popular Front Wordpress Plugins | Jul 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular front wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Front Page Category

A plugin that let you choose posts from one or more categories to appear on the front page....Popular Score : 115,000,000

2. GET Different Front Page

Have different primary menus for different viewers....Popular Score : 63,200,000

3. Custom Login Redirect

Redirect to custom locations after logging in. Your Custom URLs along other locations like Add New Post/Page, Manage Posts/Pages/Themes/Widgets, etc....Popular Score : 52,400,000

4. WP247 Body Classes

Add unique classes to the body tag for easy styling based on various attributes (archive, user, post, mobile) and WordPress "is" functions....Popular Score : 51,500,000

5. Home Page Slideshow

Create a simple, lightweight, responsive slideshow for your site's home page....Popular Score : 49,900,000

6. Live Edit

Edit the title, content and any ACF fields from the front end of your website!...Popular Score : 48,400,000

7. MM-Breaking News

Displays lists of posts from selected categories. You can select how many different lists you want, sort posts by date or random....Popular Score : 34,400,000

8. Simply Exclude

Provides an interface to selectively exclude/include all Taxonomies, Post Types and Users from the 4 actions used by WordPress. is_front, is_archive,...Popular Score : 29,300,000

9. Forefront Div

Simply display a div, blocking everything else until the user close the div....Popular Score : 25,600,000

10. CSS Plus

CSS Plus is a plugin that adds a css editor in all posts, pages and custom posts....Popular Score : 19,400,000