Forefront Div

Get your Forefront Div.

Forefront Div lets you display an ad at a page loading, everything else is blocked while the ad is open.

The ad will be closable manually by the user or automatically, after a custom counter.

The goal of the plugin is to obtain a div in the middle of the screen, that need to be closed to access the website.

Floating Div

Thanks to Floating Div, you’ll be able to add some movement in your website. You’ll be able to continuously display a div, like a menu, that stick when you scroll. The interface is really user-friendly : You create the content to show in your div. It uses the WordPress text editor. A shortcode is.........

Similar: 100%

Expandable Floating Div

An easy way to get an expandable floating div. The plugin Expandable Floating Div is perfect for an expandable menu. The user will be able to expand or collapse a div, like a menu, that stick when you’re scrolling. The goal of the plugin is to obtain an expandable div, that will stay displayed on.........

Similar: 80%

Float Content

Floating content, The visitors have to scroll to read the article on the page; however such scrolling hides the important content which you want to display on the top of the page. The Floating content shown here allows to Render the content which move along with scrolling. Such floating content wil.........

Similar: 34%


Add clear both via line break or div using shortcode in your post or page plugin for wordpress. By Simply typing [clearboth] in your content wherever you want to appear. Found a bug or have a feature request ? Report here...

Similar: 29%

Q2W3 Fixed Widget (Sticky Widget)

Enable "Fixed widget" option in the widget settings (see screenshot) and it will be always in sight when page is scrolled down or up. There is no problem to "Fix" or "Stick" more than one widget even located in different sidebars! Watch the live demo. Right sidebar, last three widgets. Scroll do.........

Similar: 20%

Sticky Widget

Set any widget as a fixed / sticky widget, (remain at the same point while scrolling) by simply checking the option....

Similar: 17%

Floating Admin Menu

Note: This plugin has been integrated into WordPress 3.8. Stop scrolling, save time! Have the admin menu stay in place, no matter how long the page may be and you happen to have scrolled. The WordPress admin menu is floating (sticky; fixed) as long as the viewport of the browser is taller than the.........

Similar: 15%

Random Posts, Mp3 Player + ShareButton

The plugin has 4 powerful features, Random featured post, Share Button, Flash Mp3 Player, and Quick Notification that floats at top or botom of your page to help increase page visits, let visitors easily share your blog contents to popular social media networks, as well as entertains your visitors w.........

Similar: 14%

Pop-Up CC Scroll

Pop-Up CC Scroll plugin brings unlimited pop-ups with easily customizable professional templates. The pop-ups are responsive and work with any WordPress theme. The pop-up will appear when a user scrolls to a given class or id, scrolls down a given number of pixels from top or scrolls down to a cert.........

Similar: 13%

DivUp Content

Client friendly way to separate your WordPress post or page content into divs with (optional) custom CSS classes and ids. Adding the shortcode [divup] in between some content will split the content into 2 separate divs. You can enter as many [divup] shortcodes to a post or page as you like. Great f.........

Similar: 10%