Top 10 Most Popular Gravatars Wordpress Plugins | Jul 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular gravatars wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Easy Gravatars

Add Gravatars to your comments without modifying any template files. Just activate, and you're done!...Popular Score : 147,000,000

2. Top Contributors

Display your top commenters or authors in a widget....Popular Score : 32,600,000

3. WP-Gravatar

Gives your users Gravatars, MyBlogLog and/or OpenAvatar avatars. Please use for more information, feedback and questions! Th...Popular Score : 30,200,000

4. Custom Avatars For Comments

Allows custom avatars for every comment....Popular Score : 21,800,000

5. Mustavatar

Uses to add manly mustaches to all avatars with detectable faces....Popular Score : 16,100,000

6. BP Local Avatars

A BuddyPress plugin that creates Gravatar avatars for any user or group without one, and stores them locally....Popular Score : 12,800,000

7. Avatar

Avatar allows you to create / edit custom avatars for your users right in the Admin Panel. Uses the same directory structure as BuddyPress, so your av...Popular Score : 11,400,000

8. Faces of Users

Display registered users Gravatars on a single page with shortcode....Popular Score : 10,700,000

9. Mindutopia User Thumbnails

This plugin gives you the ability to add user thumbnails to your WordPress users much like featured images on posts, the images replace the gravatars....Popular Score : 8,270,000

10. WordPress Navigation List Plugin NAVT

Create, organize and manage your WordPress menus and navigation lists by logically grouping your pages, categories, users via a drag'n drop interface....Popular Score : 4,120,000