Easy Gravatars

This plugin allows you to automatically add Gravatars for commenters to your theme, if your theme does not already support them.

According to the Gravatar.com website, Gravatars are Globally Recognized Avatars, or an "avatar image that follows you from weblog to weblog appearing beside your name when you comment on gravatar enabled sites." You register with the Gravatar server, and upload an image which you will use as your avatar. The gravatar image is keyed to your email address, so that it is unique to you.

This plugin will display gravatars for the people who comment on your posts. You do not need to modify any of your template files -- just activate the plugin, and it will add gravatars to your comments template automatically.


This is a beta release. If anything breaks, SORRY! Drop me a note to report a bug. Avatar allows you to create / edit custom avatars for your users right in the Admin Panel. Uses the same directory structure as BuddyPress, so your avatars will be sideways-compatible if you have BuddyPress installed.........

Similar: 58%

Hikari Unicornified Gravatars

Hikari Unicornified Gravatars converts avatars from people that don't have a Gravatar, into customized unicorns. Commenters that have their email registered in Gravatar service are kept with their original Gravatars. But people not registered in Gravatar, instead of having a default avatar that alw.........

Similar: 43%


AVrAmTAR.com is service which allows user to register and upload multiple avatars in their account. After that user will get his unique URL to the dynamic GIF image which will show different avatar (chosen from avatars user have uploaded) each time URL is accessed. This plugin will add AVrAmTAR.com.........

Similar: 43%

Custom Avatars For Comments

This was initially written for a client and he agreed to open-source it. Thanks, John! Your visitors will be able to choose from the avatars you upload to your website for each and every comment they make. Various configuration options are available. See a live demo on the plugin's home page....

Similar: 42%

HiDPI Gravatars

Automatically replaces the standard resolution Gravatars with HiDPI (Retina) Gravatars using HTML (when supported) or Javascript (as needed). You need this plugin if you want blog comments to look crisp and clear on Retina, HD, and similar devices! You need this plugin if you want compatibility wi.........

Similar: 37%

Gravatar Favicon

This plugin allows you to generate a gravatar favicon for your blog and admin logo included Apple touch icon. Just activate the plugin, and it will add gravatars to your blog template and admin panel automatically, no setting and nothing. But you must enable your avatar(Discussion Settings). (W6A4N4.........

Similar: 30%


Because you’ve found the way to this page, I assume that you may have already noticed that there are currently no good plugins available than can be used to change your user’s avatars right in the backend. What makes visage special? Change your avatar without signing up for gravatar Add a custom .........

Similar: 29%

Google Plus Favicon

This plugin allows you to generate a Google+ favicon for your blog and admin logo included Apple touch icon. Activate the plugin, and it will add G+ photo to your blog template and admin panel automatically....

Similar: 25%


IMPORTANT: If you update from a version prior to 0.5, you have to reenable the sidebar widget! Displays the Gravatars of all your commenters as a nice mosaic in the sidebar of your blog. The plugin is widget ready and comes with many configuration options! Check out more WordPress Plugins and Widg.........

Similar: 19%

WP Mingle

The simplest way to turn your WordPress website into a Social Network comparable to Facebook or LinkedIn. Mingle makes it easy to create a social network for your family, church, business or even a premium membership site! Mingle uses your standard WordPress website and standard WordPress theme to c.........

Similar: 6%