Hikari Unicornified Gravatars

Hikari Unicornified Gravatars converts avatars from people that don't have a Gravatar, into customized unicorns.

Commenters that have their email registered in Gravatar service are kept with their original Gravatars. But people not registered in Gravatar, instead of having a default avatar that always look the same, are provided with a variety of unicorns avatars, that are related and specific to their email.

And those anonymous commenters that don't provide any email, they receive randomized unicorns avatars, which change on every page load!!

That's possible thanks to StackOverflow, which developed a Gravatar-compatible algorithm that generates unicorns avatars in place of standard Gravatar ones.

I dedicate Hikari Unicornified Gravatars to Ju, my beloved frient ^-^


Changes all gravatars into algorithimically generated pictures of unicorns. See http://unicornify.appspot.com for more information....

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