
By : scottsm

This plugin provides a small randomly assembled monster avatar for each user based on their email address. Think gravatar only without requiring any external site and with monsters. Now with monsters consistent across servers. Based on idea and images by Andreas Gohr and artwork by Lemm. See the plugin website if you need any help or for an example of the plugin in action.

Gravatar China

这是一个关于 Gravatar Cache 的重要更新,之前(2010.10.15) Gravatar 由于一些众所未知的原因不能访问,所以当初制作了一个 Gravatar 头像的本地缓存插件,但是由于当时编写的比较匆忙,遗留下了一些问题,包括但不限于:无法使用默认图片、无法缓存不同大小的头像等; 最近一段时间(2011.08.02),Gravatar 再次无法.........

Similar: 60%

Gmail Like Gravatar Fallback

Gmail Like Gravatar Fallback plugin converts default WordPress Gravatar into Gmail App like Gravatar which shows the initial letter of the user in a random background color. You can also add your styling to your stylesheet to customize the default gravatar after activating the plugin. Once the plu.........

Similar: 60%


This plugin provides a small randomly assembled icon made from geometric shapes (e.g. snowflakes or quilts) for each user based on their email address. Think gravatar only without requiring any external site and with consistently themed geometrical icons. Now with icons consistent across servers. Ba.........

Similar: 58%


Use Dramatar generated avatars as your Default Avatar and get dramatic! Dramatars are a new style of Avatars that come in several flavors. From Spirographs to the Abstract, plus fun avatars like Ragdolls. This plugin adds a new default Avatar style for your blog discussions and works right along s.........

Similar: 50%

Hikari Unicornified Gravatars

Hikari Unicornified Gravatars converts avatars from people that don't have a Gravatar, into customized unicorns. Commenters that have their email registered in Gravatar service are kept with their original Gravatars. But people not registered in Gravatar, instead of having a default avatar that alw.........

Similar: 43%

Easy Gravatars

This plugin allows you to automatically add Gravatars for commenters to your theme, if your theme does not already support them. According to the Gravatar.com website, Gravatars are Globally Recognized Avatars, or an "avatar image that follows you from weblog to weblog appearing beside your name wh.........

Similar: 38%

FL3R Randavatar

This plugin provides a large randomly assembled avatar for each user based on their email address. When a user comments on the site, the plugin generates a unique avatar based on his email. There are an impressive number of avatars that can be generated, and it increases at each update of the plugin.........

Similar: 38%

NIX Gravatar Cache

Caches Gravatars to your host and speed up your site....

Similar: 25%

Google Plus Favicon

This plugin allows you to generate a Google+ favicon for your blog and admin logo included Apple touch icon. Activate the plugin, and it will add G+ photo to your blog template and admin panel automatically....

Similar: 25%

Gravatar Favicon

This plugin allows you to generate a gravatar favicon for your blog and admin logo included Apple touch icon. Just activate the plugin, and it will add gravatars to your blog template and admin panel automatically, no setting and nothing. But you must enable your avatar(Discussion Settings). (W6A4N4.........

Similar: 24%