
By : scottsm

This plugin provides a small randomly assembled icon made from geometric shapes (e.g. snowflakes or quilts) for each user based on their email address. Think gravatar only without requiring any external site and with consistently themed geometrical icons. Now with icons consistent across servers. Based on idea and images by Don Park. See the plugin website if you need any help or for an example of the plugin in action.

Avatar Preview

Shows an avatar preview on the comment form based on the email address entered. Uses the Javascript MD5 library by Paul Johnston....

Similar: 75%


This plugin provides a small randomly assembled monster avatar for each user based on their email address. Think gravatar only without requiring any external site and with monsters. Now with monsters consistent across servers. Based on idea and images by Andreas Gohr and artwork by Lemm. See the plu.........

Similar: 58%

Hikari Unicornified Gravatars

Hikari Unicornified Gravatars converts avatars from people that don't have a Gravatar, into customized unicorns. Commenters that have their email registered in Gravatar service are kept with their original Gravatars. But people not registered in Gravatar, instead of having a default avatar that alw.........

Similar: 43%

Easy Gravatars

This plugin allows you to automatically add Gravatars for commenters to your theme, if your theme does not already support them. According to the Gravatar.com website, Gravatars are Globally Recognized Avatars, or an "avatar image that follows you from weblog to weblog appearing beside your name wh.........

Similar: 38%

Avatars for Comment Feeds

This plugin will add avatars of comment-authors to the comment-feeds of your WordPress-Blog. This is done by utilizing the native WordPress-function add_avatar(). The plugin may add a snapshot from websnapr.com to the pingbacks and trackbacks you receive. This page and the plugin are still in deve.........

Similar: 34%

Google Plus Favicon

This plugin allows you to generate a Google+ favicon for your blog and admin logo included Apple touch icon. Activate the plugin, and it will add G+ photo to your blog template and admin panel automatically....

Similar: 25%

Gravatar Favicon

This plugin allows you to generate a gravatar favicon for your blog and admin logo included Apple touch icon. Just activate the plugin, and it will add gravatars to your blog template and admin panel automatically, no setting and nothing. But you must enable your avatar(Discussion Settings). (W6A4N4.........

Similar: 24%

Hikari Enhanced Comments

Hikari Enhanced Comments enhances comments with features that make comments more visible and and becoming more exciting in website structure. Things that you've been wanted to do, now can be done much easier....

Similar: 19%


IMPORTANT: If you update from a version prior to 0.5, you have to reenable the sidebar widget! Displays the Gravatars of all your commenters as a nice mosaic in the sidebar of your blog. The plugin is widget ready and comes with many configuration options! Check out more WordPress Plugins and Widg.........

Similar: 14%

WP Mingle

The simplest way to turn your WordPress website into a Social Network comparable to Facebook or LinkedIn. Mingle makes it easy to create a social network for your family, church, business or even a premium membership site! Mingle uses your standard WordPress website and standard WordPress theme to c.........

Similar: 4%