Author: scottsm Related WordPress Plugins


This plugin escapes all text inside code tags so you don't have to worry about converting code to HTML characters (e.g. >'s to >'s). The contents of code tags inside posts and comments are run through php's htmlspecialchars....


For a while, I've been a bit annoyed with WordPress losing pings (those automatic links on your blog when someone links to you) anytime someone links to more than one of my posts. It turns out WordPress's comment flood prevention is getting in the way. This plugin prevents WordPress from discarding .........


This plugin allows your readers (either registered users or all) to add tags to your posts. Tags can be held for approval or displayed immediately. An RSS feed for monitoring new tags is provided. Javascript autocompletion is available to help improve tagging consistency....


This plugin provides a small randomly assembled monster avatar for each user based on their email address. Think gravatar only without requiring any external site and with monsters. Now with monsters consistent across servers. Based on idea and images by Andreas Gohr and artwork by Lemm. See the plu.........


This plugin provides a small randomly assembled icon made from geometric shapes (e.g. snowflakes or quilts) for each user based on their email address. Think gravatar only without requiring any external site and with consistently themed geometrical icons. Now with icons consistent across servers. Ba.........