
By : scottsm

For a while, I've been a bit annoyed with WordPress losing pings (those automatic links on your blog when someone links to you) anytime someone links to more than one of my posts. It turns out WordPress's comment flood prevention is getting in the way. This plugin prevents WordPress from discarding these pings.

2-4 comment fix

This fix replace your comment count to go with most of central european languages. There was a gap when word "Commments" was the same for counts greater than 1. But for example in Slovak and Czech there is different word when count is from 2 to 4. So there was gramatical error. This will fix it....

Similar: 67%

PRyC WP: Disable self trackback

Plugin disable self trackback (comments) when link to other post...

Similar: 43%

Avatars for Comment Feeds

This plugin will add avatars of comment-authors to the comment-feeds of your WordPress-Blog. This is done by utilizing the native WordPress-function add_avatar(). The plugin may add a snapshot from websnapr.com to the pingbacks and trackbacks you receive. This page and the plugin are still in deve.........

Similar: 23%

Kama SpamBlock

Block auto-spam when spam comment is posted. Absolutely invisible for users. There is no any captcha code. Pings and trackbacks cheks for real backlink. It's very simple and effective plugin. It's option to install Kama Spamblock even if you have external comment system like "Disqus", because autos.........

Similar: 19%


This plugin provides a small randomly assembled monster avatar for each user based on their email address. Think gravatar only without requiring any external site and with monsters. Now with monsters consistent across servers. Based on idea and images by Andreas Gohr and artwork by Lemm. See the plu.........

Similar: 15%

Greg's Threaded Comment Numbering

NOTE: Please do NOT use the WordPress forums to seek support for this plugin. Support for GTCN is handled on our own site. This plugin numbers your comments sequentially and hierarchically, with full support for the new comment features available in WordPress 2.7 and later -- including threading, p.........

Similar: 12%

WP-Hashcash Extended

No More Spam WP Hashcash is an antispam plugin that eradicates comment spam on WordPress blogs. It works because your visitors must use obfuscated javascript to submit a proof-of-work that indicates they opened your website in a web browser, not a robot. If the javascript check fails, WP Hashcash n.........

Similar: 11%

Xmail - The Right Way

All webmasters experience the problem of their emails landing in their users spam folders, including our own! So we decided to develop a simple solution to fix this wide-spread annoyance. After a long development period, we have produced an effective method of sending emails which complies in ful.........

Similar: 9%

Hallo Destra

Simple code entered in the theme you are using, will feature some beautiful icon of social media for publicizing your website / blog. Carousel builds an animated images.Add shortcode to display animated images on a post / page. shortcode = [gambar_carousel] display animated images on a post / page.........

Similar: 4%

WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam

An exceptionally powerful and user-friendly WordPress anti-spam plugin that eliminates comment spam, trackback spam, contact form spam & registration spam....

Similar: 3%