
By : scottsm

This plugin escapes all text inside code tags so you don't have to worry about converting code to HTML characters (e.g. >'s to >'s). The contents of code tags inside posts and comments are run through php's htmlspecialchars.

Preserve Code Formatting

This plugin preserves formatting of code for display by preventing its modification by WordPress and other plugins while also retaining whitespace. NOTE: Use of the visual text editor will pose problems as it can mangle your intent in terms of code tags. I strongly suggest you not use the visual ed.........

Similar: 23%

Escape HTML

To show <b>text</b> to visitors we need to enter &lt;b&gt;text&lt;/b&gt; in our WordPress Text editor. For posting code online, three characters (<, > and &) need to be escaped. We can do that online tool, manually converting < to < etc. or using easy to .........

Similar: 17%

Enable RAW HTML - Disable Corruption

Line breaks will not become P elements. Errors in HTML will not be fixed, no correction of Unicode Characters. Quotes, dashes, trademark symbols and so on will stay as they are. This simple plugin switches all of the filters for your content off. Everything you type will be sent to your visitor's b.........

Similar: 15%


The idea of this plugin is to let you stop WordPress from formatting your HTML in specific parts of your posts. It's very simple to use, you just have to write: <!-- noformat on --> on the WordPress Editor, just before the part you want to protect, and from that point on, WordPress won't to.........

Similar: 14%

Footer Code

Simplest plugin that allow to inject any code into footer of a web page. This plugin requires at least PHP 5.4...

Similar: 13%

WP_Head HTML Output Cleaner

Cleans up the output of wp_head so it becomes less apparent that your WordPress installation is running WordPress. It also adds root relative URLs and makes the HTML output of WordPress much cleaner. Based off the work of Ben Word and Scott Walkinshaw....

Similar: 13%

Codepress Menu

Uses the native wp_nav_menu(). Add parameters to the wp_nav_menu() to enable functionality. Also, ships with one-click delete menu-items in the WordPress admin. Turned off or on using the screen-options. Sweet. Examples This will get the first sub-menu from the active branch and 2 levels beyond (m.........

Similar: 10%


eTemplates simplifies the creation and delivery of dynamic emails. The plugin is best used in conjunction with custom coded application style websites that send out emails populated with dynamic data to users at specific points in the application logic. Some examples of usage could be: Shopping .........

Similar: 6%

Enhanced Header / Footer Injections

Enhanced Header / Footer Injections allows you to insert HTML code into the header and footer sections of your templates on a page per page basis. This also works with custom post types, archive pages, the 404 page, the main blog page and the front page (if used). The plugin is designed to help sp.........

Similar: 5%


WelcomeUser! make it possible to add customizable welcome messages to you users based on their user roles. Inspired by sites such as eBay and Amazon, use this handy plugin for things such as: Providing a set of quick links for your users Displaying a friendly welcome message Creating a call-to-ac.........

Similar: 5%