Enable RAW HTML - Disable Corruption

By : netaction

Line breaks will not become P elements. Errors in HTML will not be fixed, no correction of Unicode Characters. Quotes, dashes, trademark symbols and so on will stay as they are.

This simple plugin switches all of the filters for your content off. Everything you type will be sent to your visitor's browser. The filters are wp_autop, convert_chars, wptexturize. If you need the same functions not only for posts and pages but also for excerpts or something else, have a look in the source and edit what you need.


This plugin escapes all text inside code tags so you don't have to worry about converting code to HTML characters (e.g. >'s to >'s). The contents of code tags inside posts and comments are run through php's htmlspecialchars....

Similar: 34%


Adds the function "the_content_noautop" which doesn't include a paragraph tag automatically with the post content. Use the_content_noautop(); instead of the_content(); in the loop when you don't want an automatic paragraph tag in your blog. This could be useful in many advanced formatting situation.........

Similar: 25%


The idea of this plugin is to let you stop WordPress from formatting your HTML in specific parts of your posts. It's very simple to use, you just have to write: <!-- noformat on --> on the WordPress Editor, just before the part you want to protect, and from that point on, WordPress won't to.........

Similar: 20%

Head & Footer Code

Let we say that you have been told to add some custom code (HTML, JavaScript or CSS style) to page's <head> (like site verification code, custom styles, webfont link, etc), or just before </body> (like pixel tracking, analytics code, heatmap code, etc), but you are not programmer. Then y.........

Similar: 8%

Navayan CSV Export

Navayan CSV Export will export all your table data in CSV (Comma Separate Value) format. When you click on any of 'Export' buttons you will get a prompt dialogue to save or open an exported CSV file of that table. The exported CSV file format is 'table_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.csv' Requirement: PHP > 5.3.........

Similar: 7%

Get Login Plugin

This plugin adds 'Log In', 'Log Out', 'Register' and 'My Profile' respectively to navigation listed using "wp_list_pages" and when the items are clicked a user is redirected to the wp-login.php page or their profile respectively. When a user is not logged in they will see links for 'Log In' and 'Reg.........

Similar: 7%

Enhanced Custom Menu

Enhanced Custom Menu replaces the 'Automatically add new top-level pages' feature of wordpress 3.0 with an enhanced version automatically adding subpages to their respective place in your custom menu's hierarchy. This plug-in allows custom menus in wordpress 3.0 to work like wp_list_pages with the a.........

Similar: 7%

Easy Query

As of October 21st, 2015 the free version Easy Query will no longer be supported. The plugin will continue to function as usual, however anyone wishing to receive updates and new features is encouraged to upgrade to Easy Query Pro. Create complex queries using our Custom Query Builder then add the .........

Similar: 7%

NertWorks Site Wide SSL

Enforce SSL throughout the entire site. Supporting multiple methods. Can be used on the Front End of the site of the Admin Dashboard...

Similar: 7%

WP Scripts & Styles Optimizer

Optimization of included JavaScript- and CSS-files is a very important thing. Many WordPress plugins comes with multiple third-party and/or own JavaScript-files that are then often included on every page of your site. In worst cases you have more than one of the same file included on your site. Tha.........

Similar: 6%