FL3R Randavatar

This plugin provides a large randomly assembled avatar for each user based on their email address. When a user comments on the site, the plugin generates a unique avatar based on his email. There are an impressive number of avatars that can be generated, and it increases at each update of the plugin!

Avatars for Comment Feeds

This plugin will add avatars of comment-authors to the comment-feeds of your WordPress-Blog. This is done by utilizing the native WordPress-function add_avatar(). The plugin may add a snapshot from websnapr.com to the pingbacks and trackbacks you receive. This page and the plugin are still in deve.........

Similar: 45%

Custom Avatars For Comments

This was initially written for a client and he agreed to open-source it. Thanks, John! Your visitors will be able to choose from the avatars you upload to your website for each and every comment they make. Various configuration options are available. See a live demo on the plugin's home page....

Similar: 42%

Display Name If No Gravatar

This Plugin replaces the get_avatar function in pluggable.php to pass an alternate image to gravatar.com that generates the user's display_name if they do not yet have a gravatar. More features coming soon... Plugin Updated Nov-17th...

Similar: 40%

FL3R User Agent Comments

This plugin detects, via the user agent, the browser and the operating system of the users of your site. When they publish a comment, the plugin shows the icons next to their name of their browser and OS, making the chain of comments more pleasant and interesting. Currently supported about 60 browse.........

Similar: 34%

Comment Rating Widget

This plugin is an add on to the Comment Rating plugin (version 2.9.0 or later). It displays ratings along with the most recent comments in the sidebar in formats of your design. The comment rating and images on display can be "Likes only", "Dislikes only", or Both. This is customizable by the "Valu.........

Similar: 9%

WP Mingle

The simplest way to turn your WordPress website into a Social Network comparable to Facebook or LinkedIn. Mingle makes it easy to create a social network for your family, church, business or even a premium membership site! Mingle uses your standard WordPress website and standard WordPress theme to c.........

Similar: 7%

The Client Relations Factory

This plug in allows you to provide a new and automatic service attention on your web site that turns visits into customers. A virtual robot can humanize the technology in order to empathize and to build trust with customers....

Similar: 6%

Social Share 2.0 - Social Bookmarks

This plugin adds a small widget within each blog post to share blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Digg, Surfpeople, and well over 100 more social bookmarking and sharing sites ....

Similar: 5%

Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) by BestWebSoft

Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) plugin allows you to implement a super security Captcha into web forms. Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) is a free CAPTCHA service that helps to digitize books, newspapers older radio shows. This plugin can be used for login, registration, password recovery, comments forms. .........

Similar: 5%

Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

Similar: 4%