Top 10 Most Popular Merge Wordpress Plugins | May 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular merge wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Scripts Gzip

A WordPress plugin to merge and compress the CSS and JS links on the page....Popular Score : 53,400,000

2. CF7 Spreadsheets

Wordpress plugin that merge Contact form 7 functional with google spreadsheets (also works with private spreadsheet)....Popular Score : 48,500,000

3. Fast Velocity Minify

Improve your speed score on GTmetrix, Pingdom Tools and Google PageSpeed Insights by merging and minifying CSS, JavaScript and HTML....Popular Score : 41,500,000

4. Weaver Options Merge

Merge theme settings from two Weaver II, Aspen, or Weaver Xtreme saved settings....Popular Score : 20,300,000

5. Merge duplicate terms

Plugin for easy merging duplicate terms (tags, categories, ...)...Popular Score : 18,000,000

6. Image Merger

Plugin to merge multiple images....Popular Score : 14,800,000

7. bbPress Email Notifications

Provide notification emails and controls for bbPress subscriptions, merge, and split functions....Popular Score : 13,000,000

8. BU Versions

Make and save edits to published posts/pages in WordPress without immediately replacing the public content....Popular Score : 12,300,000

9. Duplicate and Merge Posts

Duplicate existing pages on your site, edit them, and merge them back over the original. Think drafts on steroids....Popular Score : 3,660,000

10. vBPress

vBPress seamlessly integrates WordPress with vBulletin...Popular Score : 3,500,000