Merge duplicate terms

By : zabatonni

Automatically finds duplicate terms (with same name) in each taxonomy, then moves posts from duplicates to its original terms and deletes duplicate terms.

You can choose which duplicates you want to merge and delete.

Taxonomy (Category, Tag, ...) Table

You specify one item in a taxonomy hierarchy and a HTML table gets created for its subitems. Only taxonomies which actually have posts attached are added into a HTML table. For now, the only supported taxonomies are categories....

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Bulk Add Terms

Have you ever been frustrated adding more and more categories or tags or any other terms in a rush? Don't worry anymore. You can add thousands of terms in one go with this plugin....

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Create Posts & Terms

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Taxonomy Extra Fields (BETA)

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Single-Term Taxonomies

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AY Term Meta

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Taxonomy Switcher

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Bulk Term Generator

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Required Fields

Required Fields You Can enable Categories, Tags, thumbnail, title if you have forgotten something We can remind you With an simple Warning....

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Rich Text Tags

A TinyMCE Editor for Tags, Categories, and Taxonomies The Rich Text Tags Plugin allows you to edit tag descriptions, category descriptions, and taxonomy descriptions using WordPress' built in rich-text editor. Switch between WYSIWYG and HTML editing modes with the click of a link. Use the WordPress.........

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