Top 4 Most Popular Output Caching Wordpress Plugins | Jul 2024

Here are the top 4 most popular output caching wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. WP Fcashe

Fragment caching for WordPress themes and plugins...Popular Score : 62,600,000

2. WP Cache Block

Adds ability to globally cache certain segments of code....Popular Score : 24,900,000

3. WP Fragment Cache

Improve website performance by caching individual page fragments (widgets, menus output and long loops)....Popular Score : 19,300,000

4. WP Cache Blocks

WP cache blocks can be cached in any part of the wordpress theme, this plugin will make you site much faster and responsive. Automatically update the...Popular Score : 14,200,000