WP Cache Block

Adds ability to globally cache certain segments of code.

WP Cache and some other caching plugins work amazingly well, however, their benefits are limited in sites with a large percentage of logged in users. While working on these projects, we, Voce Connect, found the need for a better caching solution. We needed to easily cache rendered portions of the theme that were the same for each user without caching other portions that may have user specific content. The solution was to come up with a plugin that could be easily integrated into a theme to help cache these blocks of content.


  • WordPress 2.8 or higher
  • "php5" - I'm a big proponent of dropping the php4 compatibility of WordPress due to the improved OO support. Because of this, I prefer to write my plugins in php5 form in hopes to help push the community along.

WP Fragment Cache

This plugin requires PHP version 5.3.6 or greater and can't be activated without a persistent backend for the WordPress Object Cache. Adds ability to cache particular sections of your site. This plugin is for people who can't use a full page cache or for sites with lots of pages and with frequent c.........

Similar: 72%

WP Cache Bucket

Cache bucket uses the built-in WordPress wp_cache but contains methods to associate multiple items with a single cache object or 'bucket' without having to stick all of them into a single cache key. This is helpful when you have multiple items that need to be updated when one item is modified. Beca.........

Similar: 60%

Redis Page Cache

A Redis-backed full page caching plugin for WordPress, extremely flexible and fast. Requires a running Redis server and the PHP Redis PECL extension....

Similar: 60%

WP Cache Blocks

WP cache blocks is an extremely efficient WordPress page caching system to make you site much faster and responsive. WP cache blocks can be cached in any part of the wordpress theme, Automatically update the cache expired,or Automatically update the cache when you add or updated post/comment....

Similar: 56%


There are a lot of great caching plugins out there, but this one solves a very particular need that none of the rest are doing. It allows you to cache particular sections of your page, using a technique known as "fragment caching", which is readily available in other frameworks such as Ruby on Rails.........

Similar: 50%


PrankZapper - packer, minifier & gzipper for JavaScript & CSS Some concepts borrowed from SmartOptimizer by Ali Farhadi. Used packers / minifiers are CssMin and JavaScriptPacker (Nicolas Martins PHP port of Dean Edwards' packer.) Some WordPress concepts borrowed from WP Super Cache....

Similar: 43%

WP Fcashe

Warning: This plugin on it's own don't do anything. Integrate it in your theme or plugin. Usage: if ( !f_cache_start('key', 180) ) { //printing data f_cache_end(); // IMPORTANT don't forgot this }...

Similar: 40%

WP Nav Menu Cache

"WP Nav Menu Cache" plugin help you to make your WordPress dynamic navigation menu to a static menu. For each page visit WordPress run some MySQL query and complex PHP codes to generate navigation menu that you are using on front-end. Your menu content is not being changed until you change that manu.........

Similar: 22%

MO Cache

The MO Cache provides simple and fast caching of the translation MO files using the WP Object Cache mechanism. This plugin is necessary to be used persistent caching plugin, otherwise you can not benefit from this plugin. For localized WordPress, which was newly installed, the loading time of trans.........

Similar: 22%

Redis Object Cache

A persistent object cache backend powered by Redis. Supports HHVM's Redis extension, the PCEL Redis Extension and the Predis library for PHP (Predis requires PHP 5.4 or greater). To adjust the connection parameters or prefixing cache keys, see Other Notes. Forked from Eric Mann's and Erick Hitter'.........

Similar: 22%