Author: prettyboymp Related WordPress Plugins

View All Pages

Adds a "All Pages" link to the wp_link_pages output that will show all pages for a post on singe page....

WP Cache Bucket

Cache bucket uses the built-in WordPress wp_cache but contains methods to associate multiple items with a single cache object or 'bucket' without having to stick all of them into a single cache key. This is helpful when you have multiple items that need to be updated when one item is modified. Beca.........

WP CDN Rewrite

This plugin allows you to rewrite the root url of assets, css, and js files. This allows you to load these resources from an external URL improving the page load time by taking advantage of parallel browser requests. This plugin requires the use of the Voce Settings API library. If using Composer .........

WP Cache Block

Adds ability to globally cache certain segments of code. WP Cache and some other caching plugins work amazingly well, however, their benefits are limited in sites with a large percentage of logged in users. While working on these projects, we, Voce Connect, found the need for a better caching solu.........

CMS Press

CMS Press opens up the ability to create and manage custom content types and taxonomies for your WordPress site. It adds the flexibility to have more than just posts and pages for content by allowing the user to register their own post_types that can use their separate theming from the post and page.........

WP Sphinx Search

Sphinx is a GPL version 2 full-text search engine with the ability to run high speed search queries. It can give users a more robust search experience by providing better phrase and word matching to better sort results by relevance. This plugin integrates Sphinx's search capabilities to replace th.........

Subscribers Only Content

Allows blog admin to set specific pages and posts to only be visible to users set as subscriber and above (with the 'read' capability). This allows certain content to be blocked so that only logged-in users can read it. Requirements: "php5" - I'm a big proponent of dropping the php4 compatibilit.........

Voce SEO

Adds filterable SEO and Social fields to all publicly queryable post types and applies them to the header of the site to improve discoverability....