Top 10 Most Popular Privacy Wordpress Plugins | Jun 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular privacy wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Friends Only

Restrict access to readers who login with a permitted email addresses (no usernames or passwords!). Ideal for private/personal/family blogs....Popular Score : 2,080,000,000

2. More Privacy Options

Add more privacy(visibility) options to a WordPress Multisite Network. Settings->Reading->Visibility:Network Users, Blog Members, or Admins Only...Popular Score : 772,000,000

3. Forget User Info

Inserts a link into the comments form that will clear a user's comment info cookie...Popular Score : 642,000,000

4. Youtube Privacy

This plugin relies on wordpress automatic embedding to allow you to embed youtube videos using the domain and with SSL encryption...Popular Score : 534,000,000

5. Turn on Blog Privacy

Globally alters the site visibility settings to "Ask search engines not to index this site" when enabled. Upon deactivation it selects &quot...Popular Score : 486,000,000

6. EU Tube User Privacy

Enhances user privacy for embedded YouTube videos....Popular Score : 471,000,000

7. All-In-One Intranet

Instantly turn your WordPress installation into a private corporate intranet...Popular Score : 417,000,000

8. Privacy Share Buttons

Enables the well-known "Share this" buttons for different social networks, but with respect toward's your user privacy and data....Popular Score : 415,000,000

9. Terms of Use

Instead of making the user agree to the Terms of Use when they join the site this plugin makes them agree to the terms and conditions the first time t...Popular Score : 299,000,000

10. Simple Privacy

A simple way to create a private WordPress blog with htauth....Popular Score : 284,000,000