Turn on Blog Privacy

If you have a public development site and desire for bots and crawlers not to visit your site until it is considered production this plugin can help you by automagically settings the site to private.

This Multisite compatible plugin will detect whether your site is running a single install or a multisite install of WordPress and react accordingly.

When you enable this plugin it sets the site option for whether or not the site should tell search engines and other crawlers not to index the site. Upon activations bots will be asked not to crawl the site (Note: this is not a 100% solution, bots may ignore this directive, though most search engines honor it).

When this plugin is deactivated the privacy setting will be turned off and bots will be freely allowed to crawl the website again.

NOTE: Due to how WordPress Multisite handles network wide plugin activation you will currently need the Proper Network Activation plugin if you wish to turn on privacy immediately when enabling this plugin.

Even More Privacy Options

This plug-in is being developed for a specific website, but it may be useful for someone else, too. It is supposed to work in combination with More Privacy Options and Private Feed Keys 1.0 by modifying their behaviour. Features: for blogs available only to site admins/members/network use.........

Similar: 29%

More Privacy Options

Adds three more levels of privacy(visibility) to the Settings-->Reading page. Site visible to any logged in community member - "Network Users Only". Site visible only to registered users of blog - "Site Members Only". Site visible only to administrators - "Site Admins Only". Mulitsite Network.........

Similar: 25%

Restrict Usernames

This plugin allows you to restrict the usernames that new users may use when registering for your site. If open registration is enabled for your site (via Settings -> General -> Membership ("Anyone can register")), WordPress allows visitors to register for an account on your blog. By default,.........

Similar: 19%

Private Feed Keys

This plugin allows users to subscribe to feeds requiring authentication. When using More Privacy Options in a multi-site installation RSS feeds for blogs marked as private require authentication. This plugin adds a user and site specific 40-character key on private blogs, creating a unique feed URL .........

Similar: 19%


Add an "agree to terms" check box to your login, registration, or comment forms, requiring users to agree. Tested with BuddyPress and Multisite. WooCommerce extension available....

Similar: 10%


Mobile friendly HTML5 audio players and playlists Flexible multi-player audio plugin. Near-continuous playback between pages. Play from your media library, uploaded folders, and urls. Style, colour, and layout options. Audio player widgets, popout players and buttons, and smooth downloads. Works .........

Similar: 4%

Meta Changer

This is a plugin that allows you to change the meta description of any page you want on your site by simply specifying the page name. Compatible with Yoast SEO plugin....

Similar: 4%

WP Security Audit Log

Keep an audit log of everything that is happening on your WordPress and WordPress multisite with WP Security Audit Log to ensure user productivity and identify WordPress security issues before they become a security problem. WP Security Audit Log, WordPress' most comprehensive user monitoring and au.........

Similar: 4%

YD Network-wide WPML

This plugin is an add-on to the WPML Multilingual CMS plugin from http://wpml.org. It is also an add-on to the WordPress MU Sitewide Tags Pages plugin from Donncha O Coimh (aka. SWT). It will make it possible to have site-wide contents, search, tags and categories in multiple languages....

Similar: 4%

BulletProof Security

BulletProof Security Feature Highlights One-Click Setup Wizard jQuery UI Dialog Form Uninstall Options: BPS Pro upgrade uninstallation or complete BPS plugin uninstallation .htaccess Website Security Protection (Firewalls) Login Security & Monitoring Idle Session Logout (ISL) Auth Cookie Expir.........

Similar: 2%