Top 9 Most Popular Revaxarts Wordpress Plugins | Jul 2024

Here are the top 9 most popular revaxarts wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. MyMail Multi SMTP

Allows to use multiple SMTP connection for the MyMail Newsletter Plugin...Popular Score : 45,000,000

2. MyMail Dummy Mailer

A Dummy Mailer for MyMail 2...Popular Score : 20,300,000

3. MyMail Cool Captcha for Forms

Adds a Cool Captcha to your MyMail subscription forms...Popular Score : 17,800,000

4. MyMail SendGrid Integration

Uses SendGrid to deliver emails for the MyMail Newsletter Plugin for WordPress. This requires at least version 2.0.25 of the plugin...Popular Score : 13,200,000

5. MyMail Mandrill Integration

Uses Mandrill to deliver emails for the MyMail Newsletter Plugin for WordPress....Popular Score : 13,200,000

6. Google Analytics for MyMail

Integrates Google Analytics with MyMail Newsletter Plugin to track your clicks with the popular Analytics service...Popular Score : 12,900,000

7. Piwik Analytics for MyMail

Integrates Piwik Analytics with MyMail Newsletter Plugin to track your clicks with the open source Analytics service...Popular Score : 8,900,000

8. MyMail AmazonSES Integration

Uses Amazon's Simple Email Service (SES) to deliver emails for the MyMail Newsletter Plugin for WordPress....Popular Score : 330,000

9. MyMail reCaptcha™ for Forms

Adds a reCaptcha™ to your MyMail subscription forms...Popular Score : 222,000